South Carolina Transportation Alternatives Program Profile
South Carolina’s Sawmill Branch Multi-Use Trail | Photo by TrailLink user larrysdiving
Funding History

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State DOT Program Staff
State DOT TA Coordinator
Amy Blinson
South Carolina Department of Transportation
P.O. Box 191
955 Park Street
Columbia, SC 29202
Tel: 803-737-1952
J. Shane Belcher
FHWA – SC Division
1835 Assembly Street
Suite 1270
Columbia, SC 29201
Tel: 803-737-0230
FHWA Division TA Coordinator
Patrick Tyndall
TE Program Contact
SC Division
Strom Thurmond Federal Bldg
Columbia, SC 29201
Tel: 803-765-5460
Fax: 803-253-3989
State DOT Website:
TA Program Structure, Policies, and Procedures
- Application timeline: TAP applications are not currently being accepted. Please see website for more information.
- TA program structure: As of February 2022, SCDOT is currently revising the SC Transportation Alternatives program. Statewide program that has a competitive selection process for potential projects. Projects be administered by a Local Public Agency (LPA) or SCDOT.
- Who is eligible to apply: Local governments, natural resource or public land agencies, school districts or local education agencies, tribal governments
- Application information: The application can be found online.
- Application components: Project sponsor, ability to provide match/funding plan, TA eligibility, inclusion in STIP or TIP, project description, cost estimates, project status (permits, environmental clearance, etc.), right of way, public involvement, project maintenance plan, design specs
- Selection criteria: TBD
- Application tips: If a LPA is administering the project, make sure the LPA is adequately staffed and suitably equipped to undertake the project, LPA must provide a full-time employee to be in responsible charge of the project, and the LPA must be approved by SCDOT.
- Is there an advisory committee?: No.
- Project award minimum: None.
- Project award maximum: $400,000
- Typical local match: 20%
More information on SCDOT’s Transportation Alternatives program can be found here.