Oklahoma Transportation Alternatives Program Profile
Oklahoma’s Haikey Creek Trail | Photo by TrailLink user vtubbs
Funding History

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State DOT Program Staff
State DOT TA Coordinator
Shelby Templin
Bicycle & Pedestrian Coordinator
Strategic Asset & Performance Management
Oklahoma Dept. of Transportation
200 NE 21st Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73105-3299
Tel: 405-521-2694
Email: stemplin@odot.gov
FHWA Division TA Coordinator
John Hartley
TE Program Contact
OK Division
300 North Meridian
Oklahoma City, OK 73107-6560
Tel: 405-254-3341
Fax: 405-254-3302
Email: john.hartley@dot.gov
State DOT Website: https://oklahoma.gov/odot/programs-and-projects0/local-government/transportation-alternatives-program-tap.html
TA Program Structure, Policies, and Procedures
- Application timeline: Applications open on 11/1/22 and close on 11/30/22. Please see website for more information.
- TA program structure: The program is run through a state-level TAP Office. The state uses a mix of competitive and non-competitive selection processes, and funds are distributed directly by the state TAP Office.
- Application tips: The TA program funds project design, engineering and construction. To improve chances of selection, applicants should demonstrate a strong understanding of the requirements of the program as it relates to eligibility, as well as overmatching funds.
- Who is eligible to apply: Local government, regional transportation authorities, transit agencies, natural resource or public land agencies, school districts, non-profit partners, and tribal governments
- Application components: Project narrative, budget, and letter of support from a state or local agency.
- Selection criteria: Anticipated benefits for the community, anticipated number of users/beneficiaries, eligibility, environmental impact, fit with comprehensive planning goals, connectivity, need, maintenance commitment, and secured matching funds
- Is there an advisory committee?: Yes
- Advisory committee members: 12 members representing MPOs, numerous state and federal agencies, and ODOT
- Project award minimum: None
- Project award maximum: $400,000
- Match requirement: 20%