Delaware Transportation Alternatives Program Profile
Delaware’s Georgetown-Lewes Trail | Photo by TrailLink user jmcginnis12
Funding History

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State DOT Program Staff
State DOT TA Coordinator
Mike Hahn
Planning Supervisor
Planning Division
Department of Transportation
PO Box 778
Dover, DE 19903
Tel: 302-760-2254
FHWA Division TA Coordinator
Nick Blendy
TE Program Contact
300 South New St
Dover, DE 19904
Tel: 302-734-2966
Eric Savage
Realty Specialist
DelMar Division
10 South Howard St
Baltimore, DE 21201
Tel: 410-779-7155
Fax: 410-962-4054
State DOT Website:
TA Program Structure, Policies, and Procedures
- Application timeline: Applications close on 9/23/22. Please see website for more information.
- TA program structure: The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) supports and administers the TAP for all Delaware Projects.
- Application tips: Any project sponsored by a non-government agency, organization, or individual must typically have a government agency or a qualified entity as a co-sponsor.
- Who is eligible to apply: Local government, regional transportation authorities, transit agencies, natural resource or public land agencies, and non-profits
- Application components: Project sponsor, ability to provide match, TA project eligibility, project description and implementation plan, cost estimate, project status (permits, environmental clearance, etc), right of way, indication of public involvement, design specifications, equity considerations, certification of project sponsor
- Selection criteria: Transportation equity and service to disadvantaged communities, safety, ADA improvement needs, public support, connectivity, proximity to public transit and community amenities, community enhancement, level of bike stress, environmental improvement
- Is there an advisory committee?: No
- Project award minimum: None
- Project award maximum: $1,000,000
- Match requirement: 20%