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State Term: Washington

Four Long-Distance Rides Along the Great American Rail-Trail
August 08, 2019

Here are four sections of the Great American that span 100 miles or more with minimal on-street connections—perfect for multiday adventuring.

Ohio's Great Miami River Trail | Photo by Tom Bilcze
50 Great Rail-Trails in 50 States
July 17, 2019

Here are snapshots of our favorite rail-trail experiences from all 50 states—demonstrating the beauty and geography our country is known for.

Wyoming’s Medicine Bow Rail Trail passes through large stands of lodgepole, spruce, fir and aspen; traverses meadows of grass and sagebrush; crosses numerous streams; and skirts dozens of swamps, bogs, ponds and lakes. Photo by Amber Travsky.
RTC’s Doppelt Fund Supports 10 Multiuse Trail Projects in 2019
May 29, 2019

With National Trails Day just around the corner, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC) is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2019 Doppelt Family Trail Development Fund grant program!

Potential Midtown Greenway extension over the Mississippi River | Photo courtesy Midtown Greenways Coalition
16 Historic Highlights Along the Route of the Great American Rail-Trail
May 07, 2019

16 Historic Highlights Along the Route of the Great American Rail-Trail. Rail-trails are the perfect way for us to connect to each other, our communities and our cultural heritage. Unique in makeup and geography, each trail that’s hosting the 3,700-miles-plus preferred route of the Great American Rail-Trail has many stories to tell—some as old as, or far older than, our country itself. Both well known and lesser known, the histories found along the route demonstrate why the “Great American” is a true national treasure.

Pony Express station at the National Historic Trails Interpretive Center | Photo courtesy Bureau of Land Management | CC by 2.0
10-Mile Developing Trail Project in Burlington County, New Jersey to Provide New Bike-Ped Connections for Thousands
April 15, 2019

From the Delaware River to the Jersey shore, opportunities to enjoy trails and linear parks abound in the Garden State. Unfortunately, many people need to drive to a trail before experiencing their benefits.

2016 Rails-to-Trails Conservancy Youth Sojourn on the Circuit Trails along the Camden waterfront | Photo by Kyle McIntyre
A View From … The Great American Rail-Trail
January 22, 2019

Imagine what’s possible with a trail that connects the country. That vision will become a reality thanks to the Great American Rail-Trail, a signature project of Rails-to-Trails Conservancy and the organization’s most ambitious TrailNation™ project yet.

Palouse to Cascades State Park Trail in Washington | Photo by TrailLink user biggerdawg
Meet America’s New Rail-Trails of 2018
December 16, 2018

2018 was an exciting one for the rail-trail movement. Here are new Rail-Trails of 2018, totally nearly 2,100 rail-trails across the country.

Ribbon cutting ceremony for the launch of phase 1 of the Wasson Way rail-trail in Cincinnati, Ohio | Photo courtesy City of Cincinnati
Protecting Trails in 2018: Five Ways We Mobilized in Communities This Year
November 14, 2018

Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC) and the national trail community put itself on the front lines to protect and defend trails in 2018. Here are five ways we mobilized in communities this year.

Baltimore, Maryland | Photo by Side A Photography
A View From … The National Trails System
January 02, 2018

We celebrate the 50th anniversary of the National Trails System Act and Five rail-trails that weave in and around them.

Great Shasta Rail Trail | Photo by Christina Schmidlin with Hellikon, courtesy Great Shasta Rail Trail Association
10 Great Rail-Trails for Dog Walking
April 09, 2017

Want to enjoy a great rail-trail, but don’t want to leave your furry friend behind? Here you’ll find a list of tail-friendly trails across the country.

Photo by Laura Pedrick, AP Images Photo by Laura Pedrick, AP Images
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