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State Term: Kentucky

Kentucky’s Louisville Loop
February 11, 2018

Louisvillians officially named the Louisville Loop in 2005, but you could argue that trails run in this city’s lifeblood.

Five Rail-Trails in America’s National Parks
August 10, 2016

With more than 400 in the National Park System, we wanted to share this great list of five rail-trails in America’s National Parks.

Grand Teton Multi-use Pathway:Greater Yellowstone Trail, Wyoming | Photo by Camrin Dengel
Legacy Trail Public Art Master Plan
March 31, 2010
This Public Art Master Plan lays out the implementation of public art along Lexington, Kentucky’s Legacy Trail. Supporters note that the trail will be a place for the community to learn about its culture, environment and heritage. As people pass through this landscape, its features, history and processes should be elucidated by the artwork sited […]
Trail survey graphic with black female bicyclists on trail in winter next to RTC green t-shirt