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State Term: Arkansas

50 Great Rail-Trails in 50 States
July 17, 2019

Here are snapshots of our favorite rail-trail experiences from all 50 states—demonstrating the beauty and geography our country is known for.

Wyoming’s Medicine Bow Rail Trail passes through large stands of lodgepole, spruce, fir and aspen; traverses meadows of grass and sagebrush; crosses numerous streams; and skirts dozens of swamps, bogs, ponds and lakes. Photo by Amber Travsky.
Arkansas’ Southwest Trail
November 28, 2018

The Natural State’s newest rail-trail venture—the Southwest Trail—could bring both national attention and important local benefits.

A view of the Junction Bridge from La Petite Roche Plaza along the Arkansas River Trail, part of the Southwest Trail | Photo by Scott Stark
Southwest Trail Case Study
February 12, 2018
Project Details Lead Authority: MetroplanTotal Project Cost: $33 millionFunding Pledged to Date: $6 million Federal: $0State: $0Local: $6 million Shovel-Ready: 2 years or lessType: Rural, Suburban, Urban Transformative Impact Job Creation: An estimated $26.6 million in construction expenditures supporting 320 direct jobs1 from construction and 130 indirect jobs (e.g., from materials manufacturing); $2 million in total tourism expenditures resulting in 27 induced jobs per year […]