Maine Transportation Alternatives Program Profile
Maine’s Down East Sunrise Trail | Photo by TrailLink user sc302
Funding History

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State DOT Program Staff
State DOT TA Coordinator
Patrick Adams
Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Manager
Maine Dept. of Transportation
Office of Multimodal Statewide Planning
16 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0016
Tel: 207-624-3311
FHWA Division TA Coordinator
Rachel LeVee, P.E., PMP
FHWA – ME Division
40 Western Avenue
Augusta, ME 04330
Tel: 207-622-4912
State DOT Website:
TA Program Structure, Policies, and Procedures
- Application timeline: Applications close on 7/15/22. Please see website for more information.
- TA program structure: Maine DOT has consolidated several programs. The Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Funding was formerly known as the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP), Transportation Enhancements, Quality Communities, and Safe Routes to School Funding programs.
- Application tips: MaineDOT is currently accepting applications for projects to be constructed 3 years out. Communities seeking construction outside of this timeline would need to contact the Bike Ped Program Manager to discuss this request.
- Who is eligible to apply: Municipality, County, MPO, State agency, or Quasi-governmental agency.
- Application components: Phone call with state bike/ped manager, site visit, proof of match, project scope and description, estimated project budget, estimated funding request, project eligibility, project readiness, maintenance plan, LPA certification, cost effectiveness, project location, scope of improvements, accessibility, connectivity, safety, ROW, environmental impact,
- Selection criteria: Community impact, increased mobility and accessibility, gap filling and connectivity, safety improvements, local positive impact, value, and viability; Safe Routes to School, technical feasibility, applicant readiness
- Is there an advisory committee?: Yes.
- Advisory committee members: The committee is composed of representatives from safety, federal, planning, advocacy, traffic engineering, and environmental agencies.
- Project award minimum: None.
- Project award maximum: $400,000
- Match requirement: 20%
More information on the Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Funding is available here.