Kentucky Transportation Alternatives Program Profile
Kentucky’s Dawkins Line Rail Trail | Photo by TrailLink user amynstepp
Funding History

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State DOT Program Staff
State DOT TA Coordinator
Kim Tompkins
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet
200 Mero Street
Frankfort, Kentucky 40622
Telephone: 502-782-4734
FHWA Division TA Coordinator
Darrin Grenfell
FHWA – KY Division
John C Watts Federal Building
330 W Broadway
Frankfort, KY 40602
Tel: 502-223-6727
State DOT Website:
TA Program Structure, Policies, and Procedures
- Application timeline: Application timeline. Please see website for more information.
- Who is eligible to apply: Local governments, regional transportation authorities, transit agencies, natural resources or public land agencies, school districts or local education agencies, tribal governments, non-profit partners, applicants within Large urbanized Areas (MPOs/RPCs)
- Application information: Applications are open biennially
- Application components: Project sponsor, ability to provide match/funding plan, TA eligibility, project description, project implementation plan, LAP certification, cost estimates, project status (permits, environmental clearance, etc.), right of way, project involvement, project maintenance plan, design specs, equity considerations, role in regional economic growth
- Selection criteria: Community need, connectivity, economic development, match and other funding sources, constructability, maintenance plan
- Application tips: Applicants are encouraged to partner with local government or regional transportation authority for efficient program administration.
- Is there an advisory committee?: Yes.
- Advisory committee members: Committee made up of KDOT staff
- Project award minimum: $100,000
- Project award maximum: None.
- Typical local match: 20%
More information on KDOT’s Transportation Alternatives program can be found here.