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Resource Category: Trail Management

Lamoille Valley Rail Trail Management Plan
February 24, 2025
The purpose of the LVRT Management Plan is to articulate a cohesive, community defined vision for the completed trail system and identify strategies to support the management, maintenance, operations, community connections and economic development opportunities along the trail. Author: Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTRANS)
Guide for Maintaining Active Transportation Infrastructure for Enhanced Safety
February 24, 2025
The Guide for Maintaining Active Transportation Infrastructure for Enhanced Safety addresses maintenance of active transportation facilities for achieving mobility, accessibility, safety, and equity goals. The Guide presents a case for maintaining active transportation facilities as an integral component of a Complete Streets approach and discusses common maintenance issues impacting pedestrians, bicyclists, and micromobility users; temporary, […]
Webinar – Trail Funding Unpacked: Navigating Resources for Sustainable Maintenance
April 30, 2024
Join the TrailNation Collaborative, powered by Rails to Trails Conservancy (RTC), for an interactive discussion exploring federal funding streams for trail maintenance. Participants will learn about the funding opportunities available, and have a chance to engage directly with their peers through breakouts on barriers and strategies to make the most of these opportunities.   During this […]
Electric Bicycle (E-bike) Trends, Impacts, and Opportunities: Literature Review Summary
April 30, 2023
Electric bicycles (e-bikes) represent a rapidly growing transportation mode and evolving policy area in the United States. E-bikes present an opportunity to reduce car travel, improve health, and increase access for traditionally underserved populations; however, the relationship between e-bikes and safety, infrastructure, equity, and the environment are not fully understood and remain of interest to […]
WEBINAR – Accessible and Inclusive Events and Programming on Multiuse Trails
April 11, 2023
When most people go out on the trail, they are looking to have fun, be healthy, enjoy nature and bond with friends and family. This is true—regardless of one’s age or ability. By hosting inclusive events, trail professionals can create a welcoming environment that allows everyone to participate and enjoy the trail experience. This webinar […]
Routine Trail Maintenance Costs Per Mile
October 05, 2022
Whether you are building a new trail or already maintaining one, it is critical to determine your maintenance costs. Once you determine baseline costs you can more accurately determine  if your practices and methods are cost-effective. Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, together with several local trail managers, has created a worksheet to enable you to capture your maintenance costs […]
Yearly Routine Rail-Trail Maintenance Costs Per Mile
August 25, 2022
The costs of rail-trail and multiuse trail maintenance are not well documented as a discipline—thus making it very difficult to compare practices for gaining cost savings and efficiencies. The purpose of this table is to quickly give a general sense of the routine maintenance cost per mile of various types of multiuse trails in different […]
WEBINAR – Routine Maintenance Costs for Four Season Trails
December 15, 2021
Whether you are building a new trail or already maintaining one, planning for routine trail maintenance is critical, but often overlooked aspect of the budgeting process. This webinar will introduce planning and budgeting tools that helps determine the cost of base level maintenance tasks, which, once accurately determined and differentiated from rebuilding and life-cycle costs, […]
Powerful Partnerships: Utility Companies + Trails
August 31, 2021
Working alongside utility companies across the country, trail entities have often used utility corridors to help build safe and accessible trails for local communities. Some of these most visible trails span miles under large power lines, but utility corridors refer to any passages built below or above ground that carry utility lines, such as electricity, […]
New Power Generation: Trails and Utilities in Wisconsin & across the US
August 31, 2021
This article from Rails to Trails Magazine’s Fall 2021 issue narrates how trail developers in Wisconsin along the Route of the Badger, and around the nation, are finding willing partners in utility companies to lay down some miles.
Trail survey graphic with black female bicyclists on trail in winter next to RTC green t-shirt