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Resource Category: Policy

New Jersey Proposed Establishment of a Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Advisory Council
December 18, 2016
The legislation would establish a Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Advisory Council to improve safety and make bicycling and walking viable forms of transportation. Passed one chamber. 
Maryland Transportation Project Scoring Criteria
December 18, 2016
This Maryland legislation establishes a scoring system for ranking state transportation, cycling and pedestrian projects. Vetoed. 
New Jersey Budget for FY 2016-2017
June 29, 2016
The New Jersey budget for FY 2016-2017 includes $1.9 million for National Recreational Trails. 
California 2016 Budget With Active Transportation Program Funding
June 26, 2016
2016 Budget Bill, including $165 million Active Transportation Program (ATP) within state department of transportation for local assistance and capital outlay, from State Highway Account and Federal Trust Fund. Passed.
Alabama Fuel Tax and Vehicle Fee
March 14, 2016
Fuel tax and vehicle fee increase with portion of revenue to counties and municipalities; local option gas tax authorized. Did not pass. According to Rails-to-Trails Conservancy analysis, Alabama gas taxes are restricted to highway uses, but may allow for some on-road bicycle facilities. Local option funding may have greater discretion.
South Carolina Transportation Revenue Bill
March 01, 2016
This bill would have raised the gas tax by 10 cents and cut the state’s income taxes by 2 percentage points over 10 years. Failed. Read the legislation.
Utah Outdoor Recreational Infrastructure Grant Program
February 10, 2016
The bill creates the Outdoor Recreational Infrastructure Grant Program with a one-time appropriation from the General Fund of $5 million. Passed.
Pennsylvania Act 89 Transportation Funding
November 12, 2015
Pennsylvania passed a transportation funding bill in 2013, increasing transportation revenue by $2.3 billion per year. The funding goes toward state and local roads and bridges, public transportation, and active transportation. The bill sets a minimum of $2 million to be spent on bicycle and pedestrian facilities annually and creates a $144 million fund that can be […]
Phoenix, Arizona Transit Tax
August 24, 2015
Transit tax includes funding for new bike lanes and sidewalks in Phoenix. Read article from The Republic.
Florida SUN Trail Network Initial Funding
June 30, 2015
This bill redirects increased revenue from new motor vehicle fees to be used for a number of transportation programs. Most significantly, it establishes the Florida Shared-Use Nonmotorized Trail (SunTrail) Network, a statewide network of walking and biking trails, and allocates $25 million to complete the network. Passed.
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