Resource Category: Policy
Transportation Alternatives Spending Report FY22
September 11, 2023
Executive Summary The Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside (TASA) is the largest dedicated source of funding for trails, walking and bicycling in the United States. Since 1991, this program, formerly known as Transportation Enhancements (TE), has transformed the landscape of the country. While projects in several categories (including eligibilities such as historic preservation and highway beautification) are […]
WEBINAR – Delivering on the Potential of Federal Infrastructure Investments
July 12, 2023
Since the passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, trail and active transportation advocates have celebrated the opportunity this unprecedented funding creates for trails, walking and biking. All types of places, from small towns to cities and entire regions, are tapping funding in new ways to accelerate local and regional trail priorities. Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC) sees […]
Justice40-Covered USDOT Funding Programs with Non-Federal Match Flexibility
July 05, 2023
Executive Order 14008, signed by President Biden at the start of his Administration, created the Justice40 Initiative to establish the goal that 40 percent of overall benefits of certain Federal investments should flow to disadvantaged communities that are overburdened by climate change, pollution, and environmental hazards. This whole-of-government initiative includes efforts by DOT to ensure transportation investments support […]
Webinar – Investing in Active Transportation to Reduce Carbon: Innovative State and Regional Programs
June 20, 2023
Join Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC) and experienced transportation professionals to learn more about the important role active transportation plays in reducing carbon emissions. During this webinar, RTC staff engaged in a discussion with Florida DOT Chief Planner, Huiwei Shen, and Denver Regional Council of Government (DRCOG) Project and Program Delivery Manager, Todd Cottrell, to find out […]
Webinar – How to Make your Safe Streets and Roads for All Application Successful
June 05, 2023
Join Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC) and successful 2022 Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) applicants to learn how to make your FY2023 application stand out to USDOT. At this webinar, we discussed 2023 applications, which are due July 10th, as well as future SS4A funding cycles and other safety-focused programs such as the Highway Safety Improvement Program […]
ONLINE DIALOGUE – Accessing Federal Trail Funding: Innovations in Transportation Alternatives
March 08, 2023
Watch the second part of our two-part online discussion of the Transportation Alternatives (TA) program, the country’s largest source of funding for trails, walking and biking. This second discussion featured conversations on innovative ways states and MPOs are using the funds and meeting match requirements, as well as prioritizing equity and connectivity in their communities. […]
Industrial Heartland Trails Coalition (IHTC) 10 year Evaluation & Success Strategy
February 22, 2023
A Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC) TrailNation project, and led in partnership with the Pennsylvania Environmental Council (PEC) and the National Park Service’s Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program (RTCA), the Industrial Heartlands Trail Coalition brings together leaders from more than 100 agencies and organizations across four states– Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio and West Virginia, to establish the Industrial […]
ONLINE DIALOGUE – Accessing Federal Trail Funding: Understanding Transportation Alternatives
February 13, 2023
This is a two-part online discussion of the Transportation Alternatives (TA) program, the country’s largest source of federal funding for trails, walking and biking. In the first session, we discussed the fundamentals of TA, including the program’s history, what projects are eligible and how funds can be used. This webinar is perfect for those new […]
WEBINAR – RAISE Grants: How to Make Your Application Competitive
January 11, 2023
Learn how to make your application for a RAISE grant from USDOT competitive. In this webinar, attendees heard from panelists who have built community and political support for their applications that made them really stand out. The speakers highlighted how to effectively engage with officials to make your application a priority for your local government and USDOT. […]
WEBINAR – Biking, Walking & Trail Funding: Best Practices for 2023 Legislative Sessions and Beyond
December 06, 2022
Join Rails-to-Trails Conservancy and state-based active transportation, trail, multimodal transportation and transit advocates from around the country for an interactive discussion of replicable policies, tactics and success stories. With most states convening their legislatures at the beginning of 2023, now is the time to be ready with legislative asks. We will focus on generating state […]