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Resource Category: Benefits of Trails

Community Trails: A Benefit to All
May 17, 2006
This fact sheet with case studies shows that an investment in trails equals an investment in the future by providing economic development opportunities, health and transportation choices, and recreational benefits.
Health and Wellness Benefits of Trails and Greenways
November 29, 2004
Trails and greenways create health and wellness benefits for people of all ages with attractive, safe, accessible places to bike and walk.
Historic Preservation & Community Identity
October 15, 2003
Trails and greenways provide a window into our history and culture by connecting people to historic features, bridges, buildings and canals.
Economic Benefits of Trails and Greenways
October 01, 2003
This fact sheet examines the value of trails and greenways, including increased property values, community assets, and economic benefits.
Enhancing the Environment with Trails and Greenways
June 15, 1999
The Enhancing the Environment with Trails and Greenways fact sheet delves into the environmental benefits of trails and greenways.