WEBINAR – RAISE Grants: How to Make Your Application Competitive
Learn how to make your application for a RAISE grant from USDOT competitive. In this webinar, attendees heard from panelists who have built community and political support for their applications that made them really stand out. The speakers highlighted how to effectively engage with officials to make your application a priority for your local government and USDOT.
We were joined by Janet Attarian, Todd Scott, Nia Rodgers, and Dale McKeel, representing the cities of Detroit, Michigan, and Durham, North Carolina—two places that have built remarkable political will to quickly advance their trail and active transportation networks as high priority solutions to critical social issues such as equitable mobility, economic vitality, public health and the environment. Detroit and Durham have successfully competed for RAISE grants from USDOT in large part because they have elevated their walking and biking facilities as essential community assets.
- Nia Rodgers, Bicycle & Pedestrian Project Manager, John R. McAdams Company
- Dale McKeel, Bicycle & Pedestrian Planner, City of Durham and Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro MPO
- Todd Scott, Executive Director, Detroit Greenways Coalition
- Janet Attarian, Senior Mobility Strategist, SmithGroup
- Kevin Mills, Vice President of Policy, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (moderator)
Related Links:
- Detroit Greenways website: https://detroitgreenways.org
- More on the Durham Rail Trail: https://durhamrailtrail.com/
- Durham’s Raise grant application: https://www.durhamnc.gov/4540/2021-RAISE-Grant
- For general questions about RAISE grant requirements, please see the RAISE Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO): https://www.transportation.gov/sites/dot.gov/files/2023-01/RAISE%202023%20NOFO%20Amendment%201_0.pdf
- Thank you for all the interest and comments about how RAISE could be applied to rural areas. We hope to address this in a future webinar. In the meantime, take a look at the full range of funding programs that are available for trails: https://www.railstotrails.org/policy/funding/
- Check out RTC’s new federal funding tool available to help you match your projects with potential funding sources: https://www.railstotrails.org/policy/funding/tool/
- You can also reach out to RTC with specific questions, and we will do our best to respond in a timely manner: https://www.railstotrails.org/contact/
- Please join us for the Trail Nation Collaborative Launch! https://www.railstotrails.org/our-work/trailnation/collaborative/
RTC’s Trail Expert Network and Policy team produce a free webinar series designed to help trail professionals build, grow, manage, maintain, promote or otherwise support trails and trail networks. Sign up here to get webinar alerts.
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Everyone deserves access to safe ways to walk, bike, and be active outdoors.