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Trail Building

Understanding Environmental Contaminants: Lessons Learned and Guidance to Keep Your Rail-Trail Project on Track

By: Rails-to-Trails-Conservancy REPORT
September 24, 2004

Understanding Environmental Contaminants – Lessons Learned and Guidance to Keep Your Rail-Trail Project on TrackDownload

This report serves as a national resource guide to assist communities in utilizing new and existing brownfield programs to understand and address environmental clean-up issues that may inhibit the conversion of unused rail rights-of-way (ROW) into multi-use trails. RTC’s objective was to address brownfield concerns by researching appropriate legal, funding and construction issues related to rail-to-trail conversions. The findings of this research will assist local communities to resolve potentially complex contamination occurrences by employing successful strategies outlined in this report.

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Everyone deserves access to safe ways to walk, bike, and be active outdoors.

Trail survey graphic with black female bicyclists on trail in winter next to RTC green t-shirt