Trail Assessment Study: Florida Power and Light Greenway, A Shared-Use Corridor Pilot Project
June 30, 2004
The Florida Power and Light Greenway Assessment is an initiative of the Collier County Traffic Operations and Alternative Transportation Modes Department in partnership with Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC). This team was further supported by the firms of Borrelli and Associates and Vanassee Hangen Brustlin, Inc., which each provided pro-bono services to further advance this project. The […]
Best Management Practices for Controlling Exposure to Soil during the Development of Rail-Trails
December 31, 2003
This document summarizes Best Management Practices (“BMPs”) that should be considered before, during, and after former railroad lines are converted to recreation trails. These BMPs have been developed to eliminate or minimize potential exposures to residual oil or hazardous materials commonly found along railroad rights-of-way being converted to rail trails. This document also identifies locations and conditions […]
Sample Trail Easement
December 31, 2003
This document is an example of an agreement between a landowner and the County, allowing public access to their property for the construction and use of a non-motorized bicycle and pedestrian trail. Author: Collier County
What’s Under Foot?
December 09, 2003
When approaching a trail project, trail designers and local agency representatives often assume their trail will be surfaced with asphalt or perhaps concrete if budget allows. These are some of the most common and acceptable materials used on trails. But this may not be what local residents had in mind when the trail idea was initially conceived. Or, […]
Historic Preservation & Community Identity
October 14, 2003
Economic Benefits of Trails and Greenways
September 30, 2003
This fact sheet examines the value of trails and greenways. Despite different methodologies of different studies, there is growing evidence of such facilities’ value in terms of increased property values, community assets, and a host of environmental and economic benefits.
General License Agreement for Multiple Use Trail
May 21, 2003
This agreement between Sandy City and the Utah Transit Authority grants the former a right-of-way license to build a trail alongside a light rail corridor. The agreement includes maintenance, insurance and safety considerations for the Porter Rockwell rail-with-trail. Created by Utah Transit Authority
GreenWays Initiative: Planning for Detroit’s Rail-Trails
September 30, 2002
Rails-with-Trails: Lessons Learned
July 31, 2002
This comprehensive report provides information and recommendations regarding feasibility, potential benefits, legislation and liability, planning, designing, operation and maintenance of rails-with-trails. It’s technical and specific guidelines and helpful diagrams make it an excellent resource for trail builders. Author: ALTA Planning + Design
Model Trail Easement
December 31, 2001
This model trail easement document is an example of a trail easement made to a nonprofit organization by a private landowner. It lays out public access limitations and the landowners’ intent to preserve and protect the present natural, scenic, open space, education, recreation and transportation values of the Trail Easement Area. Created by Brandywine Conservancy