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Maintenance Practices and Costs of Rail -Trails
September 15, 2015
For the past three decades of rail-trail development, maintenance costs have generally been seen as being expensive. These expenses, however, have remained largely untracked on a state or national basis. Further, a comprehensive breakdown and ranking of maintenance priorities did not exist. To better understand this issue, RTC conducted a comprehensive survey of trail maintenance […]
Phoenix, Arizona Transit Tax
August 24, 2015
Transit tax includes funding for new bike lanes and sidewalks in Phoenix. Read article from The Republic.
Florida SUN Trail Network Initial Funding
June 30, 2015
This bill redirects increased revenue from new motor vehicle fees to be used for a number of transportation programs. Most significantly, it establishes the Florida Shared-Use Nonmotorized Trail (SunTrail) Network, a statewide network of walking and biking trails, and allocates $25 million to complete the network. Passed.
Assessing the Economic and Livability Value the Tammany Trace Rail Trail
April 30, 2015
Multi-use trails bring recreational and health qualities to regions, but what is overlooked sometimes is the overall economic impact along with the increased livability that these trails can inevitably bring. This study looks into how small town south Louisiana has embraced its very own rail-trail, the Tammany “Trace,” as the clear recreational jewel and envy […]
Webinar: Active Transportation Funding & the Next Transportation Bill
April 28, 2015
Presenters from Rails-to-Trails Conservancy review the poll findings, explain the messages that resonated with voters, and share resources for using this information with important decision makers to advocate for funding of active transportation. ‣ Download a PDF of this presentation →
Connecting Chattanooga Neighborhoods by Rail-Trail: An Examination of Railroad Corridors
March 31, 2015
Washington Statewide Transportation Funding Package
February 23, 2015
The Washington State Legislature creates a comprehensive funding package to fund a backlog of needed infrastructure projects and a plan to complete new projects. Funding, derived primarily from an increase in the per-gallon gas tax, will go toward roads, bridges, public transit and multimodal investment, including walking and biking. The bill provides more than $200 million […]
Three Rivers Heritage Trail 2014 User Survey and Economic Impact Analysis
January 31, 2015
The 24-mile Three Rivers Heritage Trail extends along the banks of the Allegheny, Monongahela and Ohio rivers in one of America’s most storied cities, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The trail has been developed by Friends of the Riverfront, which has worked for more than 24 years to turn a riparian brownfield into a world class trail network. […]
Washington Budget Bill 2015
January 12, 2015
The Washington state budget bill for FY 2016 included $2.5 million to support the development of affordable housing opportunities related to equitable transit-oriented development, $3,755,000 for trail development and $35 million total for three different recreational trails programs. Passed (with exceptions non-related appropriations). Read the legislation.
Best Practices in Trail Maintenance: A Manual by the Ohio River Greenway
October 31, 2014
This manual is intended for practical use by trail maintenance managers, and particularly those working along the Ohio River Greenway and in similar environs. It will also be useful for policy makers who are tasked with anticipating and planning for maintenance budget and personnel needs. Created by Purdue University