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Trail Planning

Northampton Township Master Trail & Bicycle Facilities Plan

December 1, 2019

Northampton Township Master Trail & Bicycle Facilities PlanDownload

The Northampton Township Master Trail and Bicycle Plan (The Plan) outlines a vision for improving the quality of life in the Township; providing a wide range of outdoor experiences; and supporting economic development through the development of a comprehensive township-wide trail and bicycle facilities network.

The process of developing this Master Trail and Bicycle Facilities Plan was a multi-step process designed to identify opportunities for providing non-motorized transportation options in all areas of the township. The primary components addressed in individual chapters of the plan are as follows:

  1. An introduction outlining the plan vision and goals and objectives
  2. Insight into why it is important to plan for trails and bicycle facilities
  3. An overview of the planning process used to in the development of this plan
  4. A Northampton Township Community Profile designed to help understand opportunities and constraints and identify assets and destination points in the township
  5. The Trails and Bicycle Facilities Network
  6. An identification of the implementation process and costs guidelines
  7. Maintenance and Risk Management
  8. Insights on concerns relative to the relationship between trails and bike facilities and crime, property values, and individual property owners.

Author: Bucks County Planning Commission

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Everyone deserves access to safe ways to walk, bike, and be active outdoors.

Trail survey graphic with black female bicyclists on trail in winter next to RTC green t-shirt