Cross Camden County Trail Feasibility Plan and Atlantic Avenue Trail FAQ
Did you know that one of America’s largest trail networks is in your backyard? This region is the proud home of the Circuit Trails, a vast regional network of hundreds of miles of multi-use trails that is growing each year. The Circuit connects our local communities, providing endless opportunities for recreating and commuting.
What is the Atlantic Avenue Trail?
The Atlantic Avenue Trail project envisions a 12-mile biking and walking trail that will run between East and West Atlantic Avenue, connecting 15 communities to important destinations throughout Camden—schools, universities, hospitals, museums, parks, waterfronts and jobs. This proposed trail will be a part of the Circuit Trails network, and is also considered a segment of the Cross-County Trail.
Why does this trail matter?
Right now, there are few designated places to walk or bike safely in many of the towns along Atlantic Avenue—people often use the busy road to get around on foot or by bike. The Atlantic Avenue Trail project is designed to add new walking and biking infrastructure in the county, introducing a beautiful urban walking and biking trail parallel to the traffic on this busy county road
When will trail connections in my community be done?
This trail vision is generating a lot of excitement! Trail building is a long process that takes ongoing efforts and advocacy from many civic groups, city, state and county agencies and representation and nonprofit organizations. Each one- to two-mile phase is expected to take between two and five years. Future years will include further exploration of funding and partnerships which will support trail development as well as additional planning and wider community engagement. Check in with your local city council and municipality!
What’s been done so far?
One of the things we have been up to recently is promoting the vision for this trail! You may have seen us at one of your community events over the past few years or noticed a booth at a Camden County or Heights in Progress event. These events are being held to gauge interest and generate community support.
A feasibility study has been completed for the trail which suggests how a trail system may connect communities, improve the local economy, and benefit public health. Read the study here. This feasibility study has assisted us in segmenting and prioritizing the trail, and we applied for a construction grant over the summer of 2018! Keep your eyes out for news that should be coming soon!
What’s in the works?
Camden County submitted a proposal to fund design and engineering of a first phase trail extending from Merchant Street in Audubon to Station Avenue in Haddon Heights. Phase Two will travel along Atlantic Avenue through Hi Nella from W. Somerdale Road to Wakonda Road. Both phases are awaiting news on design and construction funding.
Created by Camden County

Everyone deserves access to safe ways to walk, bike, and be active outdoors.