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Changemakers for Trails Training: Sending a Message That Trails Matter, Loud and Clear

By: Rails-to-Trails-Conservancy WEBINAR
September 23, 2024

Want to be a voice for trails and trail networks? We have all the tools and resources you’ll need—no experience necessary! During this training, you will learn how to talk about trails in ways that matter to your decisionmakers. Join RTC for a training series aimed at transforming your passion for trails into impactful advocacy!

During this training, we will run through scenarios you may find yourself in when talking about trail issues in your community. We will cover benefits related to health, transportation, safety, economic development, quality of life and place, and improved environment, so no matter what your mayor or member of Congress is passionate about, they will understand how trails support their priorities.

Our multi-part training series is crafted to provide you with the essential tools for becoming a changemaker for trails and influencing change at all levels of government.

Changemakers for Trails: Sending the Message That Trails Matter PPTDownload Presentation

Related Links:

RTC’s TrailNation Collaborative, Trail Development and Policy teams produce a free webinar series designed to help trail professionals build, grow, manage, maintain, promote or otherwise support trails and trail networks. Sign up here to get webinar alerts. 

Have a comment or question on our webinar series? Contact us below with topic or speaker ideas. We appreciate your feedback! Email us

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Everyone deserves access to safe ways to walk, bike, and be active outdoors.