New York Transportation Alternatives Program Profile
New York’s High Line | Photo by Iwan Baan, Courtesy Friends of the High Line
Funding History

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State DOT Program Staff
State DOT TA Coordinator
Lisa Ford
Transportation Alternatives Program
Department of Transportation
50 Wolf Road
6th Floor
Albany, NY 12232
Tel: 518-457-9749
FHWA Division TA Coordinator
Daniel Wood
TAP Program Contact
NY Division
Leo W O’Brien Federal Bldg 7th Floor
Albany, NY 12207
Tel: 518-431-4127
State DOT Website:
TA Program Structure, Policies, and Procedures
- Application timeline: Applications close on 9/30/22. Please see website for more information.
- TA program structure: NY TAP funding will improve access to the transportation system for all users and advance New York State’s nation-leading agenda to fight climate change by supporting the construction of new sidewalks, shared use paths and other enhancements that facilitate the use of non-motorized modes of travel and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
- Application tips: More than two-thirds of the projects awarded will benefit Environmental Justice Communities, thereby helping to improve connectivity, air quality and bicycle and pedestrian access for the predominantly low-and-moderate-income families living in those areas. To apply for TAP-CMAQ funding, eligible entities/Sponsors must attend an Informational Workshop, and enter and submit applications through the New York State (NYS) Grants Gateway.
- Who is eligible to apply: Local governments, regional transportation alternatives, transit agencies, natural resource and public land agencies, and tribal governments
- Application components: Project narrative, budget, location, sponsor information, description of the eligible TAP activities, historical significance, scenic significance, impact, proposed construction, ownership, intended use, life expectancy, and maintenance plan.
- Selection criteria: Project benefits and proposed solutions, innovation and creativity, safety improvements, alignment with TAP plans, project and systems; schedule, budget, ROW, match
- Is there an advisory committee?: Yes
- Advisory committee members: Applications are evaluated and scored by Regional TAP and CMAQ Evaluation Teams comprised of NYSDOT Regional personnel, Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) personnel, and subject matter experts within the respective regions. A team may include representatives of other state agencies, including Regional Economic Development Councils; regional planning commissions; Right-of-Way (ROW) professionals; and various interest groups, such as bike/pedestrian advocacy groups, provided there are no conflicts of interest
- Project award minimum: $500,000
- Project award maximum: $5 million
- Match requirement: 20%
More information on NY TAP/CMAQ can be found here.