Missouri Transportation Alternatives Program Profile
Missouri’s Katy Trail State Park | Photo by eagles8791
Funding History

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State DOT Program Staff
State DOT TA Coordinator
Andrew Hanks
Missouri Department of Transportation
105 W. Capitol Avenue
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Tel: 573-526-1862
Email: andrew.hanks@modot.mo.gov
FHWA Division TA Coordinator
Brian Nevins
FHWA – MO Division
3220 West Edgewood, Suite H
Jefferson City, MO 65109
Tel: 573-638-2609
Email: brian.nevins@dot.gov
State DOT Website: https://www.modot.org/transportation-alternatives-program-tap
TA Program Structure, Policies, and Procedures
- Application timeline: Applications are accepted annually and the call for projects usually occurs in the spring. Please see website for more information.
- TA program structure: The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) only funds rural, statewide projects. LPAs that reside within the Metropolitan Planning Organizations of OTO, MARC, and East-West Gateway are not eligible.
- Application tips: Local Public Agencies must successfully complete the LPA on-line training course prior to application submission.
- Who is eligible to apply: Local Public Agencies include any unit of local government below a State government agency, except for a Metropolitan Planning Organization. Examples include city, town, township, village, borough, parish, or county agencies; transit agencies, tribal governments
- Application components: Project description, location map, funding resolution, MPO/RPC letter of support, relevant plans, local match, cost estimate
- Selection criteria: application completeness, LPA certification, project readiness, project description, clarity of project, safety concerns, evidence of public involvement, priority ranking, property ownership/acquisition, transition plan, rail road support and local/regional plan, implementation schedule, maintenance and operations costs, itemized budget, local match, constructions plans completeness
- Is there an advisory committee?: Yes
- Advisory committee members: MoDOT district selection committees
- Project award minimum: $100,000
- Project award maximum: $600,000
- Match requirement: 20%
More information on MoDOT’s Transportation Alternatives program can be found here.