Focus Term: Winter Uses
The Magical World of Snowshoeing: A How-To Guide for Trails
Snowshoeing might seem a little intimidating at first, but once you give it a try, you might just find a new-found freedom to hit the trails.
Rail-Trail Tips for Cross-Country Skiing (A 101 Guide)
Why not add cross-country or Nordic skiing to your list? Here are a few quick tips to help you give it a try!
Winter “Share the Trail” Etiquette and Safety Tips
Find out how we can “Share the Trail” together safely with winter etiquette—while still gleaning the best that winter has to offer on trails.
Seven Hot Tips for Cold-Weather Biking
RTC hopes these tips for cold-weather biking will help you embrace and enjoy winter riding, but, if you’re new to it, just take it slow.
How to Adapt Trail Activities and Gear for Cold and Winter Conditions
Common outdoor activities such as walking, hiking, running and cycling can be done safely in the fall and winter. Here are few tips from the experts.
Six Tips to Carry Your Summer Biking Habit Into Fall
The beauty of autumn also means cooler temperatures, earlier sunsets and sometimes less-than-ideal weather. For the many of you who picked up biking for the first time this summer or returned after a long hiatus, the thought of braving colder weather while riding might feel intimidating.
Five Great Trail Activities and Their Health Benefits
Meeting these targets can help improve your health and your quality of life; reduce health-care costs and the risk of chronic disease; and simply make you feel better physically, mentally and emotionally.
Alaska’s Tony Knowles Coastal Trail
With views of the rugged Chugach Mountains and tidal inlets, Alaska’s Tony Knowles Coastal Trail offers a breathtaking experience unlike any other rail-trail in the country. Learn more in our Trail of the Month feature.
10 Rail-Trail Winter Wonderlands
Here are 10 winter Rail-Trails so you can enjoy trails in different ways such as fat tire biking, cross-country skiing or snowshoeing.