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Focus Term: Why Use Trails?

Trail Moments with Four Baltimore Trail Advocates
April 27, 2021
RTC caught up with four community members in Baltimore who are all also part of the Baltimore Greenway Trails Coalition to learn about their Trail Moments.
Graphic by RTC
Trail Moments | Adapting Trail Trips for a Hiker With a Disability: A Family’s Advice
April 15, 2021
Saul is 22 and has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. He has needed to use a power wheelchair full time since about age 14, but that has not stopped him from exploring the outdoors.
Dan, Michaela and Saul Brownstein, with their dog Rufus, on the Elephant Swamp Trail in New Jersey | Photo courtesy Dan Brownsteins
Five Trail Moments With Ian Mackay, Founder of Ian’s Ride
April 13, 2021
Here are 5 #TrailMoments that were particularly special for Ian Mackay during the 2020 year.    
Ian Mackay on Olympic Discovery Trail | Photo by Jesse Major
Celebrate Trails Day: Ideas and Resources for Trail Fun
April 13, 2021
Team RTC developed a list of Celebrate Trails Day ideas that could help anyone have a fun time on the trail.
Graphic by RTC
Arizona’s Santa Cruz River Park Trail
April 12, 2021
Starting in the centuries-old birthplace of Tucson in the south, the Santa Cruz River Park Trail follows the sandy and mostly dry riverbed.
The Loop | Photo by Gerry Loew, Pima County Communications
How to Train for a 5K or 10K Using Rail-Trails
April 05, 2021
Rail-trails are an especially great option for training for that first race for a variety of reasons. For one thing, many of these trails are paved, flat or with a very light grade.
Fun Run 5k on the W&OD Trail in Northern Virginia | Photo courtesy RTC
Trail Moments with Jeff Jenkins of Chubby Diaries
March 01, 2021
Jeff Jenkins, as a prolific travel-blogger and the creator of Chubby Diaries—an “online community for plus-size travelers who are passionate about seeing the world.
Photo courtesy Jeff Jenkins, graphic by RTC
Special Olympics Promotes Exploration, Fitness and Discovery on Kansas Trails
January 31, 2021
Jennifer Jennings, a competitor in Special Olympics Kansas swimming events, was elated last winter when she made her high school’s swim team.
Photo from Special Olympics Kansas’ Trails and Treats Day in the fall of 2020, part of the statewide Parks & Trails Tour | Photo courtesy Special Olympics Kansas
Looking Back, With Gratitude, on a Year of Challenges and Triumphs for Trails
December 23, 2020
As 2020 draws to a close—a year of extreme changes and challenges—it is with incredible appreciation that we reflect on the collective impact of our movement across the country.
Photo by India Kea
Trail Moments | The Long Trail Home
December 17, 2020
I lost that connection during the pandemic, and I have realized that rediscovering the trails around me—my #TrailMoments—makes me feel whole and like the world will be ok.
Ed and Jenn Coleman on the Chief Ladiga Trail | Courtesy Ed Coleman