Focus Term: Walkability and Bikeability
Cómo entrenar para una carrera de 5K o 10K usando un sendero ferroviario
Muchos corredores nuevos comienzan su viaje de acondicionamiento físico con el objetivo de completar una carrera en la que se han inscrito.

Trail Moments | Native Women Running Founder Verna Volker Gets a Running Start on Social Change
In Minneapolis, I noticed that there was a really good trail and park system, so I saw people running a lot and thought, ‘I should try that.’

Ohio’s Camp Chase Trail
Ohio’s Camp Chase Trail is a 16-mile pathway traversing bountiful farmlands, calming countryside and invigorating city scenes.

Analysis: Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill Passes With New Opportunities for Trails, Walking and Biking
The U.S. House of Representatives passed the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) (H.R.3684).

Trail Moments with Latinx Hikers Co-Founder, Adriana Garcia
We love learning about individuals who inspire people to get outdoors, which is why our team was excited to meet with Adriana Garcia, the co-founder of Latinx Hikers.

Here Is Some Inspiration to Keep Up or Create Your #TrailMoments Momentum!
RTC launched our #TrailMoments 21-Day Challenge, so an entire community could band together and keep each other motivated.

Reimagining Public Spaces
We explored the strengths of our movement, our role in bringing solutions to these significant social challenges and the opportunities ahead.

Oklahoma’s Oklahoma River Trails
These routes, including the well-loved Oklahoma River Trails, bring people to the neighborhoods, parks, world-class attractions and the flourishing downtown region.

Trail Moments | A Student of Biking: Learning to Love Trails
Bike rides clear my mind and help me focus on the rest of the day. For me, quick physical activities during the weekdays are now based around trails.

Iowa’s Raccoon River Valley Trail
In pastoral west-central Iowa, the Raccoon River Valley Trail has won this year’s blue-ribbon prize: entrance into the Rail-Trail Hall of Fame.
