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Focus Term: Walkability and Bikeability

Indiana’s Nickel Plate Trail
March 13, 2017

In the spring, when the corn shoots up from the ground and the trees are full of life again, the Nickel Plate Trail really becomes a thing of beauty.

Photo by Robert Annis
10 Movies with Great Walking Moments
November 23, 2015

With the U.S. Surgeon General’s recent Call to Action on Walking, it was the perfect time for 10 Movies with Great Walking Moments.

Stand by Me (1986) | Copyright by Columbia Pictures and other respective production studios and distributors. Intended for editorial use only.
10 Great Hiking and Walking Trails
September 29, 2015

In honor of Trails, Parks and Outdoor Spots month, here’s a list of 10 great walking and hiking trails across America (in no particular order).

Chessie Nature Trail | Photo by Frank N. Carlson
11 Tips to Make Walking a Natural, Enjoyable Part of Your Day
September 15, 2015

The United States Surgeon General placed walking in the national spotlight with his recent call to action, encouraging people to make walking a part of their daily lives and to help create more walkable communities.

Photo courtesy Darren Larson | CC by 2.0
10 Great Biking Moments in Movies
November 24, 2014

We’re pleased to bring you these—10 great biking moments in movies (in order of release).

Image courtesy RTC