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Focus Term: TrailsTransform

10-Mile Developing Trail Project in Burlington County, New Jersey to Provide New Bike-Ped Connections for Thousands
April 15, 2019

From the Delaware River to the Jersey shore, opportunities to enjoy trails and linear parks abound in the Garden State. Unfortunately, many people need to drive to a trail before experiencing their benefits.

2016 Rails-to-Trails Conservancy Youth Sojourn on the Circuit Trails along the Camden waterfront | Photo by Kyle McIntyre
Trail Networks and Spines: Key Components As Congress Discusses America’s Mobility Future
March 13, 2019

RTC encourages Congress to consider the positive impacts active transportation can have on communities with trail networks and spines.

A two-way cycle track in the median of Pennsylvania Ave. in Washington, D.C. - Photo by Elvert Barnes courtesy
Developing Trail in Lincoln Celebrates Nebraska’s Tallgrass Prairie Legacy
February 12, 2019

Welcome to Nebraska’s tallgrass prairie, a rapidly disappearing ecosystem that Nebraskans are racing to preserve—and they hope to do just that with a new corridor and trail: the Prairie Corridor on Haines Branch.

Photo courtesy Prairie Corridor Foundation
Protecting Trails in 2018: Five Ways We Mobilized in Communities This Year
November 14, 2018

Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC) and the national trail community put itself on the front lines to protect and defend trails in 2018. Here are five ways we mobilized in communities this year.

Baltimore, Maryland | Photo by Side A Photography
Ohio’s Year of the Trails: Three Major Trail Developments in the Buckeye State
November 13, 2018

It’s officially the Year of the Trails in Ohio, and the Buckeye State is building significant momentum on trail projects, from Cleveland to Cincinnati and beyond.

Ohio to Erie Trail | Photo by Eric Oberg, courtesy RTC
Trail Caucus Kicks Off to Connect Wisconsin as New Projects Build Momentum
October 09, 2018

An active and enthusiastic crowd of trail advocates gathered to kick off the state’s newly formed Legislative Trails Caucus.

Dave Schlabowske, Executive Director of the Wisconsin Bike Fed, discusses the value of building a Trails Caucus | Photo by Brian Housh, courtesy RTC
Ohio Senators Steve Wilson and Sean O’Brien on Creating a Statewide Trail System
May 10, 2018

In May 2017, the Ohio Legislative Trails Caucus, a bipartisan group of state-elected officials, committed to an Ohio Statewide Trail System.

Left to Right- Senators Sean O’Brien and Steve Wilson | Photo by Brian Housh
West Virginia and Pennsylvania’s Parkersburg to Pittsburgh Corridor
April 15, 2018

The P2P: It’s a small acronym that holds a world of promise. Extending from Parkersburg to Pittsburgh (P2P), the developing 238.5-mile route connecting northern West Virginia and southwestern Pennsylvania by trail.

Morgantown's Caperton Trail, part of the Mon River Trail System | Photo by James Riel
Kentucky’s Louisville Loop
February 11, 2018

Louisvillians officially named the Louisville Loop in 2005, but you could argue that trails run in this city’s lifeblood.

Trail Geek Terminology (A Cheat-Sheet to Satisfy Your Inner Wonk)
January 28, 2018

RTC’s put together this little trail-geek cheat sheet so that we can all bone up on our trail and active-transportation policy speak.

Photo Courtesy RTC
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