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Focus Term: Trail Use Tips

How to Get Back on a Bike—Years Later (8 Simple Tips)
July 09, 2015
Getting back on a bike after a long time away can be a little intimidating. Here are a few tips and helpful hints for those of you who want to start riding again, but aren't quite sure where to start!
Photo courtesy Bicycle House Tallahassee
How to Plan Your First Overnight Bike Trip
May 22, 2015
These simple tips can help get you on your way to your first overnight bike trip.
Seven Things That Can Go Wrong on a Bike—And How to Fix ‘Em!
May 11, 2015
But while some things are simply up to fate to resolve, others are under our control! Here are (unlucky number) seven things that can go wrong on a bike ride—and some ways to cope with them.
Photo by Mark Wilkinson
How to Ride in the Rain
November 10, 2014
But, while it’s not top on the list for premiere riding conditions, with a few tricks up your sleeve, it’s easy to turn a ride in the rain from a soggy nightmare into a pleasure cruise.
Photo by Jamie McCaffrey
How to Get Your Bike in Tip-Top Shape in Under 10 Minutes
November 10, 2014
For the time-crunched, these steps can help you get your bike shined up and riding smoothly in less time than it takes the pizza delivery dude to get to your house.
Photo by DJ Damien
How to Pull Off the Ultimate Trail Picnic
November 09, 2014
Follow our quick tips, and transform your next trail outing into the ultimate trail picnic experience.
Group picnic and flying kites - Photo by Scott Jungling