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Focus Term: Trail Use Tips

Eight Scenic State Parks for RV Camping Along the Great American Rail-Trail
January 28, 2020

The Great American spans more than 3,700 miles. Here are a few of these picturesque parks for RV camping along the Great American Rail-Trail.

Lake Easton State Park in Washington | Courtesy Washington State Parks
Five Great Trail Activities and Their Health Benefits
January 26, 2020

Meeting these targets can help improve your health and your quality of life; reduce health-care costs and the risk of chronic disease; and simply make you feel better physically, mentally and emotionally.

Arizona’s Grand Canyon Greenway Trail
October 15, 2019

The Grand Canyon Greenway Trail totals 13 miles of paved pathway for biking and walking, providing access to numerous scenic viewpoints and attractions in the park.

The family-friendly Grand Canyon Greenway Trail | Photo by Sarah Neal, courtesy Bright Angel Bicycles
Five Common Types of Trail Use Rules (Everyone Should Know)
September 12, 2019

When you’re out on the trail, knowing and following the rules seems easy enough, but rules can vary from trail to trail. Some rules are universal, while others differ by state and municipality.

Photo courtesy John Gresham | CC by 2.0
Michigan’s Falling Waters Trail
September 10, 2019

Michigan’s Falling Waters Trail is a community connector, linking the vibrant City of Jackson to the picturesque Village of Concord.

Falling Waters Trail | Photo courtesy Jackson County Parks
A Serious Injury Changed Cyclist Ian Mackay’s Life. Trails Helped Him Rebuild It.
August 26, 2019

A motorized wheelchair powered by sip-and-puff inputs coupled with the ever-improving voice recognition capabilities of a smartphone offered Mackay a degree of independence, and allowed him to get outside without a caregiver at his side at all times.

Ian Mackay, founder of Ian's Ride (second from left), at the foot of Mount Rainier with friends Jesse Collens, Kenny Salvini and Todd Stabelfeldt | Photo by Teena Woodward
Four Long-Distance Rides Along the Great American Rail-Trail
August 08, 2019

Here are four sections of the Great American that span 100 miles or more with minimal on-street connections—perfect for multiday adventuring.

Ohio's Great Miami River Trail | Photo by Tom Bilcze
E-Bikes Got This Baby Boomer Back on the Trail After Asthma
May 21, 2019

A one-day rental there led to a weeklong adventure in Hawaii, followed by my first of two e-bike purchases three years ago. Since then, I’ve logged more than 1,000 road and trail miles, and for me, it’s been a win-win.

Libby Rose on e-bike | Photo courtesy Wandering Rose Travels
Step to It: Seven Ways to Spice Up Your Walks
March 12, 2019

Looking to spice up your walk? Check out these seven ideas! Then lace up your sneakers … and get ready to ramble!

Photo courtesy iStock by Getty Images
Las Reglas de Oro: Seis Cosas Que Debes Saber Para La Temporada de Senderos
September 09, 2018

Sendero: Un sendero es un camino o rastro de uso recreativo, típicamente en lugares cerca o dentro de la naturaleza.

Photo by Bob Wick, Public Domain
Trail survey graphic with black female bicyclists on trail in winter next to RTC green t-shirt