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Focus Term: Trail Businesses

Nine Romantic Trail Destinations That Will Make You Swoon
February 09, 2020

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, we thought it was a great time to bust out this list of top romantic rail-trails in the United States. Here are nine, great, romantic trail destinations to try and catch cupid’s arrow!

View from the Ivanhoe Trestle along New River Trail State Park | Courtesy Virginia DCR
Illinois’ MCT Goshen Trail
January 12, 2020

With a newly opened extension of the MCT Goshen Trail, travelers can now also access neighboring St. Clair County by trail for the first time. Providing even more transit options for locals, many of St. Clair County’s trails are being developed to intertwine with MetroLink, the region’s light rail system.

MCT Goshen Trail | Photo courtesy Metro East Park & Recreation District
Arizona’s Grand Canyon Greenway Trail
October 15, 2019

The Grand Canyon Greenway Trail totals 13 miles of paved pathway for biking and walking, providing access to numerous scenic viewpoints and attractions in the park.

The family-friendly Grand Canyon Greenway Trail | Photo by Sarah Neal, courtesy Bright Angel Bicycles
Four Long-Distance Rides Along the Great American Rail-Trail
August 08, 2019

Here are four sections of the Great American that span 100 miles or more with minimal on-street connections—perfect for multiday adventuring.

Ohio's Great Miami River Trail | Photo by Tom Bilcze
Trail Tourism Adventures Await Along Salmonberry Corridor in Oregon
August 07, 2019
Salmonberry Trail | Photo by Connor Charles Photography
Mississippi’s Tanglefoot Trail
August 05, 2019

All 43.6 miles of the Tanglefoot Trail opened at once, becoming the longest rail-trail in the state, and connecting these communities.

Mississippi's Tanglefoot Trail | Photo by Wendy Crosby, courtesy
Florida’s Palatka-to-Lake Butler State Trail
July 14, 2019

The Palatka-to-Lake Butler State Trail offers a slice of quiet paradise, journeying more than 25 miles to Keystone Heights through well-canopied forests, pine flatwoods, picturesque countryside and stands of showy wild azalea (which the locals call “pinksters”).

Palatka-to-Lake Butler State Trail | Photo by Britte Lowther
The Longleaf Trace Is a Beautiful Beacon for Health, Revitalization in Mississippi
July 11, 2019

The 43-mile Longleaf Trace takes trail users from Prentiss to Hattiesburg, connecting through tunnels, over bridges and wetlands.

Longleaf Trace | Photo by Jake Lynch
Get Your Kicks on Route 66, Illinois’ Trail
May 13, 2019

This is what Illinois’ Route 66 Trail is working to achieve: a long-distance trail from Chicago to St. Louis; an opportunity to revitalize communities and experience Route 66 as never before.

The Historic Route 66 sign | Photo courtesy iStock by Getty Images
Iowa’s Cedar Valley Nature Trail
May 13, 2019

Depending on who you ask, the Cedar Valley Nature Trail is either 52 miles long (the original length) or about 67 miles thanks to extension projects in Linn County.

Cedar Valley Nature Trail | Photo by Liz Zabel, courtesy GO Cedar Rapids