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Focus Term: Safety

Five Common Types of Trail Use Rules (Everyone Should Know)
September 12, 2019

When you’re out on the trail, knowing and following the rules seems easy enough, but rules can vary from trail to trail. Some rules are universal, while others differ by state and municipality.

Photo courtesy John Gresham | CC by 2.0
WEBINAR – Trail Network Signage: Creating a Unified Brand
February 21, 2019
Signage is an important feature of any trail, helping inform trail users where they are and where they are going, ensuring their safety, and pointing out amenities and landmarks to make the experience more enjoyable. For trail networks, signage takes on added importance, unifying individual trails under a common brand and elevating their visibility as […]
Las Reglas de Oro: Seis Cosas Que Debes Saber Para La Temporada de Senderos
September 09, 2018

Sendero: Un sendero es un camino o rastro de uso recreativo, típicamente en lugares cerca o dentro de la naturaleza.

Photo by Bob Wick, Public Domain
Photo by Eric Beteille
Trails: They’re More Fun With Fido!
August 03, 2015

Here are six tips for how to mind your pets and share the trail—with Fido in tow.

Photo courtesy Cameron Whitman:Stocksy United
Santa Clara County Trail Maintenance Manual
May 05, 2014
This Trail Maintenance Manual was developed as a field guideline and procedure manual for Park staff responsible for the maintenance, construction, and operation of the Santa Clara County Parks trails’ system. The guidelines within this manual address all types of trails including single-track, dual purpose, multi-use, paved trails, and service and fire roads. Author: Santa Clara County
Impact of the MKT Trail on nearby property owners
March 31, 2013
Trails have been shown to offer a variety of benefits. Despite these benefits, some concerns have been expressed by homeowners. Critics of new trail development continue to raise questions about the suitability of trails in neighborhoods. Such concerns include apprehension that trails will lower property values, increase crimes, cause traffic and parking problems and affect […]
Urban Pathways to Healthy Neighborhoods: Personal Safety
February 29, 2012
Studies have shown that trails themselves do not generate crime. However in many urban areas, crime and safety are serious, pervasive issues, and even the perception of trail safety may influence trail use. Addressing concerns about crime and violence is particularly important in low-income urban communities where residents, especially children and women, may not be […]
Urban Pathways to Healthy Neighborhoods: Connections
February 29, 2012
Urban Pathways Initiative (UPI) is a program of the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy that advocates for equitable investment in vulnerable communities to promote the health, transportation and environmental benefits of trail use. UPI provides community-based assistance to groups and municipal agencies which promote or develop pathways intersecting low-income communities. Through case studies in Memphis, TN, Houston, TX, Compton, CA, and New Orleans, LA, this […]
Best Practices in Traffic Operations and Safety – Phase II: Zig-zag Pavement Markings
November 30, 2010
This study assesses the effects of zig-zag pavement markings at trail crossings on the W&OD Trail in Virginia. The study found that the markings installed in advance of the two crossings heightened the awareness of both approaching motorists and trail users, and reduced motorist speeds. The study also found that motorists have limited understanding regarding […]
Trail survey graphic with black female bicyclists on trail in winter next to RTC green t-shirt