Focus Term: History Happened Here
Nine Cool Rail-Trails in Wisconsin’s Ice Age Trail

Colorado’s Mineral Belt Trail
Forming a nearly 12-mile paved loop around the city, the Mineral Belt Trail offers spectacular views around every bend.

Pete Raynor, Railbanking Author, Named 2018 Rail-Trail Champion
Pete Raynor, central author of Railbanking legislation, was named 2018 Rail-Trail Champion. The 1983 Railbanking Act helped make many trails.

Indiana’s Cardinal Greenway
The Cardinal Greenway is Indiana’s longest rail-trail and the newest member of the Rail-Trail Hall of Fame by RTC.

Georgia’s Augusta Canal Trail
Like the fabled yellow brick road, Georgia’s Augusta Canal Trail unfolds with a soft orange hue and unexpected delights with every footstep or turn of the wheel.

A Journey Into History: Five Pathways to Explore the Historic Oregon Trail
Made possible thanks to the National Trails System Act, the Historic Oregon Trail joins numerous other trails as a National Historic Trail, a category that was added 10 years after the original act was established in 1968.

Indiana’s Erie Lackawanna Trail
Northwest Indiana’s Erie Lackawanna Trail offers an experience of beautiful contrasts. The region boasts sandy dunes, a glimmering Great Lake and windswept prairies.

Five Rail-Trails Along the Underground Railroad
Spanning more than 2,007 miles between Alabama and Canada, the Underground Railroad (UGRR) Bicycle Route, memorializes the network that helped slaves escape to freedom before and during the Civil War.

Trail Geek Terminology (A Cheat-Sheet to Satisfy Your Inner Wonk)
RTC’s put together this little trail-geek cheat sheet so that we can all bone up on our trail and active-transportation policy speak.

Pennsylvania’s D&L Trail
If you’re only planning to take one bike trip this year, eastern Pennsylvania’s D&L Trail is not only at the top of our list, but also ranks in the top 10 most-viewed trails on by trail users
