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Focus Term: Health

Las Reglas de Oro: Seis Cosas Que Debes Saber Para La Temporada de Senderos
September 09, 2018

Sendero: Un sendero es un camino o rastro de uso recreativo, típicamente en lugares cerca o dentro de la naturaleza.

Photo by Bob Wick, Public Domain
Indiana’s Cardinal Greenway
September 05, 2018

The Cardinal Greenway is Indiana’s longest rail-trail and the newest member of the Rail-Trail Hall of Fame by RTC.

Trail crossing over the White River along the Cardinal Greenway near the McCulloch Riverview Trailhead in Muncie, Indiana | Photo by Tony Valainis
1,400-Mile LandLine Plan Is Building Active Transportation Momentum in Boston
August 28, 2018

The LandLine Vision Plan—a newly proposed plan by the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) that aims to complete a 1,400-mile connected network of regional trails.

Weekly summer Landline ride at the newly rebuilt trail and boardwalk around the Needham Reservoir in Massachusetts | Photo by David Loutzenheiser
These Farm Markets and Gardens Are Inspiring Health on America’s Trails
August 08, 2018

What’s better than a farmers’ market or community garden for providing locally grown food and encouraging good eating? Why, a market or garden next to a trail, of course!

Urban Tilth community garden | Photo courtesy Urban Tilth
2020 Vision: New York’s “Empire State Trail” Is Making Trails a Main Attraction
August 08, 2018

Empire State Trail (EST): Shaped like a giant sideways T intersecting near Albany, the EST will connect three corners of the state: Manhattan, Buffalo and the Canadian border near Lake Champlain.

A jogger on the Hudson River Valley Greenway catches the last rays of the day’s light as the sun sets behind the New Jersey skyline. | Photo by Scott Stark
Wyoming’s North Pathway
July 11, 2018

Tucked into Wyoming’s scenic northwestern corner, the North Pathway is what summer vacations are made for. From the charming town of Jackson—the gateway to two national parks—the paved pathway unwinds 20 miles north

North Pathway | Photo by Tim Young
“It’s a Scorcher Out There!” Quick Tips to Stay Hydrated on the Trail
June 28, 2018

Having ridden trails for more than two decades, my wife and I have picked up a few tricks—and here’s what we do to keep the water colder and more enjoyable for just a little longer.

Bryan and June Bradley, members of Rails-to-Trails Conservancy since 1999 | Photo courtesy Bryan and June Bradley
Meet the Newest National Recreation Trails (Hint: Six Are Rail-Trails!)
May 31, 2018

Below are the rail-trails now joining the ranks of more than 1,000 National Recreation Trails designated across the country.

Cannon Valley Trail - Photo by TrailLink user caferacer42
Vermont’s Lamoille Valley Rail Trail
May 14, 2018

During the pleasant summer months of northern Vermont, the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail offers an extraordinary experience as it journeys through a verdant river valley tucked among the forested slopes of the Green Mountains.

Lamoille Valley Rail Trail | Photo by TrailLink user bobwhite
West Virginia and Pennsylvania’s Parkersburg to Pittsburgh Corridor
April 15, 2018

The P2P: It’s a small acronym that holds a world of promise. Extending from Parkersburg to Pittsburgh (P2P), the developing 238.5-mile route connecting northern West Virginia and southwestern Pennsylvania by trail.

Morgantown's Caperton Trail, part of the Mon River Trail System | Photo by James Riel
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