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Focus Term: Health

Equipamiento de ciclismo útil para senderos, ¡y algunos consejos de MacGyver!
March 21, 2022

Para algunos de nosotros en climas fríos de invierno, la primavera marca el momento en que volvemos al ritmo de las cosas después de no haber recorrido los senderos por un tiempo.

2017 Opening Day for Trails en Three Rivers Heritage Trail en Pittsburgh, Pensilvania | Foto de Amy Kapp
Cómo entrenar para una carrera de 5K o 10K usando un sendero ferroviario
March 20, 2022

Muchos corredores nuevos comienzan su viaje de acondicionamiento físico con el objetivo de completar una carrera en la que se han inscrito.

Fun Run 5k en W&OD Trail en el norte de Virginia | Cortesía de RTC
Trail Moments | Native Women Running Founder Verna Volker Gets a Running Start on Social Change
December 05, 2021

In Minneapolis, I noticed that there was a really good trail and park system, so I saw people running a lot and thought, ‘I should try that.’

Verna Volker | Photo by Jaylyn Gough, courtesy Hoka One One
Here Is Some Inspiration to Keep Up or Create Your #TrailMoments Momentum!
October 13, 2021

RTC launched our #TrailMoments 21-Day Challenge, so an entire community could band together and keep each other motivated.

Left to Right- Waides Ashmon III, Ashley Jones, MaShant Ashmon, Ian Mackay and Vasu Sojitraa | Graphic by RTC
Reimagining Public Spaces
October 11, 2021

We explored the strengths of our movement, our role in bringing solutions to these significant social challenges and the opportunities ahead.

Met Branch Trail | Photo by India Kea
Oklahoma’s Oklahoma River Trails
October 05, 2021

These routes, including the well-loved Oklahoma River Trails, bring people to the neighborhoods, parks, world-class attractions and the flourishing downtown region.

Oklahoma River Trails | Courtesy Oklahoma City Community Foundation
Trail Moments | A Student of Biking: Learning to Love Trails
September 14, 2021

Bike rides clear my mind and help me focus on the rest of the day. For me, quick physical activities during the weekdays are now based around trails.

Graphic by RTC, Photos courtesy Hyderabad Randonneurs and TrailLink user fredjerina
Trail Moments | How To Long-Distance Bike Tour With (Six!) Young Kids
September 02, 2021

We’ve found that good rails-trail routes can be very forgiving to those new to bike touring. We’ve learned so much since then.

Photos courtesy Dale Majors and TrailLink user protoolned, graphic by RTC
Trail Moments | The Great Bike Shortage? For Me, It Was the Great Bike Summer!
September 01, 2021

During the early days of the COVID-induced Great Bike Shortage, I stood in line with a neighbor to buy a used bike. Her first bike.

Photo by Lisa Watts, graphic by RTC
Trail Moments | How a Rail-Trail Helped Save My Life and Redirect My Focus
August 05, 2021

As I’ve watched outdoor recreation interest explode, it’s made me reflect on how a simple bike ride on a rail-trail saved my life.

Breeden Trestle on Tunnel Hill State Trail in southern Illinois | Photo by Shawn Gossman
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