Focus Term: Funding
Bridging the Gaps: Maine’s Vision for a Statewide Interconnected Trail Network
Discover Maine’s vision for an interconnected trail network. Learn how communities and organizations are working to connect scenic rail-trails

Examining the W&OD Trail as a Beloved Northern Virginia Asset and National Model
Stretching for 45 miles in Northern Virginia—the W&OD Trail has been a mainstay for millions of people over five decades.

Venturing Out on Trails as a New Mom
We were excited to take our baby out in our incredibly walkable and bikeable city. We researched strollers, carriers and other items.

National Trail Grant Awardees Focus on Youth and Inclusive Signage
Yalobusha Greenway Alliance received a $10,000 national trail grant from Rail to Trails Conservancy to develop a trail system in the region.

Webinar – TrADE Talk: State Innovations for Transportation Alternatives
Analysis of Nation’s Largest Funding Source for Active Transportation Finds Progress Amidst Overwhelming Demand
Analysis of Transportation Alternatives, nation’s largest funding source for active transportation, finds progress amidst overwhelming demand.

Transportation Alternatives Spending Report FY23

Georgia’s Firefly Trail Shines Brightly
Georgia’s Firefly Trail is a planned 39-mile route is steadily realized with “model mile” sections that demonstrate the pathway’s potential.

Hawai’i’s Ke Ala Hele Makālae
Ke Ala Hele Makālae, which runs for 8 miles along Kaua’i’s Coconut Coast, was inducted into Rails to Trails Conservancy’s Hall of Fame.

Leveraging Active Transportation to Meet State Carbon Reduction and Climate Goals
We’re seeing the impact of the Carbon Reduction Program, which provides $6.4 billion in formula funds to develop carbon reduction strategies.
