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Focus Term: Encouraging Trail Use

Indiana’s Nickel Plate Trail
March 13, 2017

In the spring, when the corn shoots up from the ground and the trees are full of life again, the Nickel Plate Trail really becomes a thing of beauty.

Photo by Robert Annis
Honoring the Legacy of African-American Cycling Legend Major Taylor
February 15, 2017

In the late 1890s, an African-American dynamo exploded onto the bicycle racing scene at record-breaking speeds: Marshall “Major” Taylor.

Taylor on the chainless bicycle on which he won the world championship and broke world records in 1899. Uncredited photo, Taylor scrapbook. | Courtesy Major Taylor Association, Inc.
Barbara Brown, founder of Healing Rides, with her mother on the Constitution Trail in Illinois | Photo courtesy Barbara Brown
Seven Things That Can Go Wrong on a Bike—And How to Fix ‘Em!
May 10, 2015

But while some things are simply up to fate to resolve, others are under our control! Here are (unlucky number) seven things that can go wrong on a bike ride—and some ways to cope with them.

Photo by Mark Wilkinson