Focus Term: Best Of
10 Rail-Trails That Helped Build the Movement
In honor of RTC’s 30th anniversary, here are 10 game-changers of the rail-trail movement.

10 Movies with Great Walking Moments
With the U.S. Surgeon General’s recent Call to Action on Walking, it was the perfect time for 10 Movies with Great Walking Moments.

Minnesota’s Midtown Greenway
Nestled 20 feet below street level in an early 20th-century railroad cut, Minnesota’s Midtown Greenway bypasses the street traffic crossing overhead on more than two dozen historical bridges.

The Alternative List: 10 Great Trails for Fall (Under the Radar)
For those of you looking for a fall adventure that might not be on everyone’s bucket list, we’ve uncovered 10 great trails for fall.

10 Great Hiking and Walking Trails
In honor of Trails, Parks and Outdoor Spots month, here’s a list of 10 great walking and hiking trails across America (in no particular order).

Pennsylvania’s Heritage Rail Trail County Park and Maryland’s Torrey C. Brown Rail Trail
One of the largest completed sections of that developing network is a pair of connected rail-trails—the Heritage Rail Trail County Park and the Torrey C. Brown Rail Trail—a 44-mile expanse.

15 Essentials Every Bicyclist Should Have
A common question new bicyclists have is: What are the biking “essentials” I should have in my “toolkit”? RTC gave the answer a shot.

Five Great Rail-Trails for Family Camping
School is out, summer is in, and it’s time to take the kids on a vacay. Below are five great options for a weekend camping and biking trip!

Top 10 Rail-Trails for American History: A Fourth of July List
This Independence Day weekend, celebrate the birth and growth of America by riding or striding into the past. We hope you enjoy this list of Top 10 Rail-Trails for American History!

10 Great Biking Moments in Movies
We’re pleased to bring you these—10 great biking moments in movies (in order of release).
