Focus Term: Best Of
Wyoming’s North Pathway
Tucked into Wyoming’s scenic northwestern corner, the North Pathway is what summer vacations are made for. From the charming town of Jackson—the gateway to two national parks—the paved pathway unwinds 20 miles north

Meet the Newest National Recreation Trails (Hint: Six Are Rail-Trails!)
Below are the rail-trails now joining the ranks of more than 1,000 National Recreation Trails designated across the country.

Vermont’s Lamoille Valley Rail Trail
During the pleasant summer months of northern Vermont, the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail offers an extraordinary experience as it journeys through a verdant river valley tucked among the forested slopes of the Green Mountains.

West Virginia and Pennsylvania’s Parkersburg to Pittsburgh Corridor
The P2P: It’s a small acronym that holds a world of promise. Extending from Parkersburg to Pittsburgh (P2P), the developing 238.5-mile route connecting northern West Virginia and southwestern Pennsylvania by trail.

Indiana’s Erie Lackawanna Trail
Northwest Indiana’s Erie Lackawanna Trail offers an experience of beautiful contrasts. The region boasts sandy dunes, a glimmering Great Lake and windswept prairies.

Kentucky’s Louisville Loop
Louisvillians officially named the Louisville Loop in 2005, but you could argue that trails run in this city’s lifeblood.
Pennsylvania’s D&L Trail
If you’re only planning to take one bike trip this year, eastern Pennsylvania’s D&L Trail is not only at the top of our list, but also ranks in the top 10 most-viewed trails on by trail users

Bright Horizons: Florida’s Miami LOOP
Approximately 54 percent complete to date, the Miami LOOP is a 225-mile trail vision to expand transportation options, make biking and walking safer and more equitable.

A View From … The National Trails System
We celebrate the 50th anniversary of the National Trails System Act and Five rail-trails that weave in and around them.

Nine Hot New Rail-Trails in 2017
Say hello to the newest batch of rail-trails in 2017
