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Focus Term: BATC

Commuting Across and Exploring the Bay Area Will Become More Accessible to Millions of Residents Via 2,604 Miles of Connected Trails
January 11, 2022

This vision is becoming a reality with nearly 60% of the 2,590-mile Bay Area regional trail network complete. Leading the charge is the Bay Area Trails Collaborative, a group of more than 50 businesses, agencies and organizations that is chaired by Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC).

California Coastal Trail | Photo by TrailLink user davidgordon144
A Look Ahead for the Trails Movement in 2022 and Beyond
December 20, 2021

As we look ahead, we see opportunity and potential in the work and in the inspiration provided by the partners, friends and advocates with whom we share our collective vision.

Richmond Greenway | Courtesy RTC
Looking Back, With Gratitude, on a Year of Challenges and Triumphs for Trails
December 22, 2020

As 2020 draws to a close—a year of extreme changes and challenges—it is with incredible appreciation that we reflect on the collective impact of our movement across the country.

Photo by India Kea
What We Mean When We Say We Are “Standing Against Racism”
June 09, 2020

We also got many questions—about the prevalence of experiences of inequity and injustice in the outdoors as well as what we’re doing about it.

Baltimore, MD | Photo by Side A Photography
As California ATP Cycle 5 Kicks Off—Here’s a Snapshot of Some Success Stories
April 07, 2020

On March 26, California released a call for projects for the next round of the Active Transportation Program (ATP)—the state’s largest single source of funding for trails and walking and biking projects.

Bicycle riders enjoying a new section of the Miners Ravine Trail in Roseville, California | Courtesy City of Roseville
Nine Romantic Trail Destinations That Will Make You Swoon
February 09, 2020

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, we thought it was a great time to bust out this list of top romantic rail-trails in the United States. Here are nine, great, romantic trail destinations to try and catch cupid’s arrow!

View from the Ivanhoe Trestle along New River Trail State Park | Courtesy Virginia DCR
Connectivity Evolution: Examining a Decade of Rails-to-Trails’ Impact, 2010–2020
December 30, 2019

Here’s a look at RTC and a decade of rail-trails—their power and their impact. As the 2010s built momentum, opportunities to maximize the power of these essential community assets became clear.

Photo courtesy RTC
Seven Ways Rails-to-Trails Conservancy Brought Big Impact in 2019
December 04, 2019

This year, America and the rail-trail movement saw giant leaps, and small-but-no-less-important bounds, that have helped to achieve RTC’s goal of connecting the country by trail like never before.

Great American Rail-Trail preferred route reveal in South Cle Elum, Washington | Photo by Kathy Young
At the Heart of It: Trails and Public Spaces
May 02, 2019

A privilege of my job is to visit trails and public spaces across the country and meet inspiring supporters and leaders.

Richmond Greenway in California | Photo courtesy Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
California Invests Big in Trails, Demonstrates Growing Statewide Demand for Walking and Biking Infrastructure
March 28, 2019

The California Transportation Commission (CTC) recently approved more than $280 million in Active Transportation Program (ATP) funding (Cycle 4) to support 59 trail, walking and biking projects throughout the state, with about half—some $139 million—going to trails and separated bikeway projects (hereafter collectively referred to as “trails”).

Skunk Train passing on Willits Rail-Trail | Photo by Laura Cohen
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