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Focus Term: Baltimore Greenway Trails Coalition

Top 10 Trails in Maryland
March 07, 2021

Here are just 10 of our favorite trails in Maryland. The Free State offers a host of trail offerings for nearly every user and year-round.

Maryland's Jones Falls Trail | Photo by Side A Photography
Looking Back, With Gratitude, on a Year of Challenges and Triumphs for Trails
December 22, 2020

As 2020 draws to a close—a year of extreme changes and challenges—it is with incredible appreciation that we reflect on the collective impact of our movement across the country.

Photo by India Kea
New Report Finds 35-Mile Citywide Trail System Can Generate Millions in Economic Opportunity and Inclusive Growth in Baltimore
October 14, 2020

Investment in Baltimore Greenway Trails Network will connect 75 neighborhoods with safe, healthy transportation and recreation options.

Photo by Side A Photography
What We Mean When We Say We Are “Standing Against Racism”
June 09, 2020

We also got many questions—about the prevalence of experiences of inequity and injustice in the outdoors as well as what we’re doing about it.

Baltimore, MD | Photo by Side A Photography
Connectivity Evolution: Examining a Decade of Rails-to-Trails’ Impact, 2010–2020
December 30, 2019

Here’s a look at RTC and a decade of rail-trails—their power and their impact. As the 2010s built momentum, opportunities to maximize the power of these essential community assets became clear.

Photo courtesy RTC
A Q&A With Ryan Chao: Connecting Communities from Coast to Coast
November 12, 2019

I had the pleasure of chatting with President Ryan Chao on how RTC is making this work happen in collaboration with thousands of partners and trail advocates across the country.

GHS Swamp Rabbit Trail in South Carolina | Photo by Ian Curcio
Eight Critical Wins for TrailNation in 2018
December 04, 2018

Here is a spotlight on some of the critical TrailNation project advances we made in 2018—and how they are bringing to life our vision of trails at the heart of healthy, thriving communities.

Baltimore, Maryland | Photo by Side A Photography
Protecting Trails in 2018: Five Ways We Mobilized in Communities This Year
November 14, 2018

Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC) and the national trail community put itself on the front lines to protect and defend trails in 2018. Here are five ways we mobilized in communities this year.

Baltimore, Maryland | Photo by Side A Photography
These Farm Markets and Gardens Are Inspiring Health on America’s Trails
August 08, 2018

What’s better than a farmers’ market or community garden for providing locally grown food and encouraging good eating? Why, a market or garden next to a trail, of course!

Urban Tilth community garden | Photo courtesy Urban Tilth
Baltimore Greenway Trails Coalition Case Study
February 12, 2018
Project Details Lead Authority: Baltimore City, Baltimore Greenway Trails Coalition, Rails to Trails Conservancy, Bikemore, Greater Washington Partnership, Southeast Community Development Corporation, South Baltimore Gateway Partnership  Total Project Cost: $28 millionFunding Pledged to Date: $4.7 million Federal: $2,250,000Local: $1,650,000Private: $840,000 Shovel-Ready: 1 year or lessType: Urban Transformative Impact Job Creation: An estimated 476 jobs directly3 Transportation Impact: The network will provide connections to over 75 […]
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