Celebrate Trails Day Partner Toolkit
W&OD Trail celebration in 2019 | Photo by Anthony Le
Partner Toolkit
Get partner tools to help you promote your Celebrate Trails Day involvement including the official logo, customizable templates and promotional graphics.
Since 2013, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC) has teamed up with hundreds of partners—trail groups, agencies, nonprofits, businesses, brands, clubs and every other type of organization in between—to inspire tens of thousands of people to get outside and celebrate their local trails.
We hope your organization will join us in making this year’s Celebrate Trails Day even bigger and better by becoming a partner! If you’re interested in getting involved, please sign up to become a partner and receive more information about the celebration. By signing up as a partner, you’ll receive important updates about Celebrate Trails Day, including reminders, resources and an opportunity to request materials and giveaways for your celebration.
Please note that by using any of the materials in this toolkit, you are agreeing to the following: Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC) has created an umbrella campaign for the purpose of uniting and promoting a national Celebrate Trails Day. Celebrate Trails Day is comprised of individual events that are hosted and managed by independent third parties. Use of the banner or the Celebrate Trails Day logo does not create any relationship between the organizer and Rails-to-Trails Conservancy. Each organizer, host, sponsor, promoter is responsible for their own event including all logistics, life safety considerations and insurance coverage. RTC has provided a sample liability waiver third parties may customize for their particular event.
![Celebrate Trails Day color logo by RTC](https://www.railstotrails.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Celebrate-Trails-Day-color-logo-by-RTC.png)
Celebrate Trails Day
Hosted on the fourth Saturday of April, Celebrate Trails Day is an annual spring celebration of America’s trails. Started by Rails-to-Trails Conservancy in 2013, the celebration encourages people all across the country to get outside and enjoy the nation’s exceptional trails and trail systems.