Using Trails
A Mix of #TrailMoments That Will Keep You Motivated All Year Long
We gathered up a handful of Trail Moment highlights—we hope they keep you inspired to use trails more often and to keep making #TrailMoments all year long!

Exploring Midwestern Marvels Along the Great American Rail-Trail With the Traverses
We thrive on these adventures—appreciating the unknown, the unexpected and the unique individuals we meet along the way. Being on our bicycles provides us with a sense of freedom and a way to stay attuned to the present moment.

California’s Sacramento River Rail Trail and Trail
The Sacramento River Rail Trail and its sister trail to the south, the Sacramento River Trail, together form a 21-mile major artery to a 200-miles-plus trail system of mostly dirt (but some paved) routes that can take users from Redding, a major urban area, into open areas of wilderness.

Trail Moments With Ash Manning: Wild Relationships
The dirt and crushed limestone crunch beneath my step as I continue my walk in the woods. I pause briefly to reflect on why I am here in the first place.

Christopher “Salt” Morton’s Trail Moments: A Journey of Self-Reflection
I made the impulsive decision to embark on a journey to walk across the country solo and be the first Deaf man in America to do so.

Trail Moments With Ajoa Abrokwa: Sharing Experiences and Creating Memories
To this day, I have had numerous visits to this trail, with my family, friends and other community members alongside me, biking, walking and hiking.

A Milestone for the Mickelson Trail: Celebrating 25 Years
The 109-mile George S. Mickelson Trail, named after the South Dakota governor who championed the trail before dying in a plane crash in 1993, was officially dedicated in the midst of much fanfare in 1998.

Trail Moments | Climate Activist Luke Henkel Pedals for the Planet
This inspired me to embark on one of the biggest adventures of my life: a 1,100-mile bike journey from my home in Chicago to New York City in time for Climate Week NYC

Pennsylvania and West Virginia’s Panhandle Trail
Stretching 29.2 miles through small towns and the countryside of West Virginia and western Pennsylvania, the Panhandle Trail is a key piece in connecting several longer routes, including the Great American Rail-Trail®

Kara Patajo’s Trail Moments: Discover Nature Where You Are
When coming up with a plan for my Trail Moments this summer, my intention was to show how to connect with nature both inside and outside of the city of Seattle. First, we visited the Olympic Discovery Trail.
