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Using Trails

Cómo entrenar para una carrera de 5K o 10K usando un sendero ferroviario
March 21, 2022
Muchos corredores nuevos comienzan su viaje de acondicionamiento físico con el objetivo de completar una carrera en la que se han inscrito.
Fun Run 5k en W&OD Trail en el norte de Virginia | Cortesía de RTC
Cómo tener el equipo listo para su primer viaje de larga distancia por senderos
March 21, 2022
Si planea un viaje de larga distancia que dure varios días o incluso una semana, probablemente esté recorriendo los senderos para estar
Bike repair shop - Foto cortesía de iStock de Getty Images
ID the Tree!
March 18, 2022
Special thanks to American Forests for sharing these great tips on identifying trees. While leaves can make tree identification much easier, you can use these pointers for identifying deciduous trees year-round, even in winter!
W&OD Trail | Photo by Scott Stark
Five Quick Tips to Keep Your Trike (or Recumbent) Tip-Top
March 14, 2022
Special thanks to our Celebrate Trails Day 2022 sponsor Catrike for these great tips on how to care for your recumbent or trike! Here are things you can do to make sure your trike runs smooth and looks good every time you ride.
Courtesy Catrike
¿Está considerando el uso de una bicicleta reclinada? Aquí hay algunos consejos para que tenga en cuenta.
March 08, 2022
[Actualmente] Manejo un triciclo reclinado con ruedas de 20 pulgadas. También monté una bicicleta reclinada durante muchos años.
Camp Chase Trail de Ohio | Fotografía de Associated Press
Trail Moments | A Tale of a Tour: Traveling by Trail in Wisconsin
February 25, 2022
Traveling by bike allows you see snapshots of people’s daily lives and interact with them. "Traveling lets you see a thousand lives you might have lived.”
Traveling by trail | Courtesy Rachel and Patrick Hugens
Take an American Adventure on 10 Presidential Pathways
February 21, 2022
Just in time for Presidents’ Day, here are 10 multiuse trails that share ties with some notable U.S. heads of state.
Virginia's Mount Vernon Trail | Photo by TrailLink user ringogarcia1972 Virginia's Mount Vernon Trail | Photo by TrailLink user ringogarcia1972
North Carolina’s American Tobacco Trail
February 15, 2022
The American Tobacco Trail connects to over 70 miles of trails and greenways through urban, suburban and rural communities.
American Tobacco Trail | Photo by Dave Connelly
Considering a Recumbent Bike? Here Are Some Tips to Keep in Mind.
February 15, 2022
Here are some tips to keep in mind if you are thinking of buying a two- or three-wheeled recumbent.
Ohio's Camp Chase Trail | Photo by Associated Press
Trail Moments | Finding Love Feet First
February 14, 2022
They regularly rode the Great Allegheny Passage together as friends, and when they became a couple, it served as the setting for Stephen’s marriage proposal.
Arias and Stephen Flory | Courtesy Arias Flory