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Health and Wellness

Trail Moments | Morgantown Man Gets a Running Start to a Healthier Life on Trails
October 22, 2020

Overweight and living a sedentary lifestyle, Viars’ gnawing fear of dying grew as he approached middle age, so he decided to make a change with a health journey that began one literal step at a time.

Vincent Viars and his running partners on the Mon River Trail | Courtesy Vincent Viars
Trail Moments | Reclaiming My Health and Community Connection on America’s Rail-Trails During the Pandemic
October 01, 2020

As I contemplated how to incorporate a good cardio routine into my life, I challenged myself to create a structure that would not only help me and inspire others to stay committed.

Anamaria Spiteri on the Pelishek-Tiffany Nature Trail | Courtesy Anamaria Spiteri
Trail Moments | Stealing Moments of “Me Time” on the Trail as a Mom During COVID
September 09, 2020
The Mom Squad on the W&OD Trail in Northern Virginia | Courtesy Brandi Horton
How Trails and Outdoor Access Provide Important Mental Health Benefits
September 01, 2020

One significant way Americans are addressing their mental health needs during the coronavirus is through frequent activity in the outdoors.

Three Rivers Heritage Trail | Photo by Healthy Ride, Pittsburgh Bike Share
North Carolina’s Thermal Belt Rail Trail
February 10, 2020

Today, the 13.58-mile Thermal Belt Rail Trail lies where the old Southern Railroad, and later the Thermal Belt Railway, once ran. The trail has been a boon for Rutherford County on a number of levels.

Thermal Belt Rail Trail bridge over Highway 74 | Photo by Dana Bradley
Five Great Trail Activities and Their Health Benefits
January 26, 2020

Meeting these targets can help improve your health and your quality of life; reduce health-care costs and the risk of chronic disease; and simply make you feel better physically, mentally and emotionally.

Seven Bucket List Rail-Trail Destinations Around the World
September 26, 2019

Thousands more miles of rail-trails are available all across the globe. For World Tourism Day, we thought we’d take a look a few bucket list international rail-trail destinations.

New Zealand's Otago Central Rail Trail | Photo courtesy Otago Central Rail Trail Charitable Trust
A Serious Injury Changed Cyclist Ian Mackay’s Life. Trails Helped Him Rebuild It.
August 26, 2019

A motorized wheelchair powered by sip-and-puff inputs coupled with the ever-improving voice recognition capabilities of a smartphone offered Mackay a degree of independence, and allowed him to get outside without a caregiver at his side at all times.

Ian Mackay, founder of Ian's Ride (second from left), at the foot of Mount Rainier with friends Jesse Collens, Kenny Salvini and Todd Stabelfeldt | Photo by Teena Woodward
A Closer Look: Connecting the Lower Rio Grande Valley by Trail
August 11, 2019

Caracara is the name of the trail system developing throughout Cameron County, Texas, and the Lower Rio Grande Valley—a project that Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC) is honored to count among its TrailNation™ portfolio.

Bikers on tour of Caracara Trails | Photo by John Faulk, Frontera Media
E-Bikes Got This Baby Boomer Back on the Trail After Asthma
May 21, 2019

A one-day rental there led to a weeklong adventure in Hawaii, followed by my first of two e-bike purchases three years ago. Since then, I’ve logged more than 1,000 road and trail miles, and for me, it’s been a win-win.

Libby Rose on e-bike | Photo courtesy Wandering Rose Travels