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Health and Wellness

Tapping Into Opportunity: RTC’s Strategic Priorities
January 10, 2024

RTC has been focused on building a nation connected by trails, spreading trails across the country to bring new potential to communities.

Happy multiracial women having fun embracing each outside - Photo courtesy Getty Images
Trail Moments | Biking Through Triumphs and Troubles
March 14, 2023

“I only go on rail-trails now,” Carol said. “They make me feel safer because I don’t have to be watching for cars and traffic. And I can’t go very fast—I have to go slow so that I can see.”

Joe Rebar and Carol Walter on the trail | Photo courtesy Joe Rebar
Ohio Students Venture Into the Wild
November 08, 2022

“We should be exposing our students to lifelong physical activity and should be helping them develop the skills and confidence to enjoy those activities,” said Jack Hatert, principal of McKinney Middle School. “Our schools are the heartbeat of a cycling community, and we have to pass the passion on to our students.”

Packed up for the return trip at Morgan's Riverside Campground | Photo courtesy McKinney Middle School
#TrailMoments With Black Women In Nature (@BlkWomenInNature)
October 06, 2022

Meet Ivory Levert and Angela Mitchell, the power pair beyond Black Women In Nature, and learn how they’re inspiring more people to get outside on the trail!

Angela Mitchell and Ivory Levert, Co-Founders, Black Women In Nature | Photo by Doreen Dawkins
#TrailMoments with Albert Ting (@pootie_ting)
October 05, 2022

For me, the positive impact that going car-free has on air quality, reducing harmful greenhouse gas emissions and decreasing traffic congestion far outweighs the benefits of owning a car.

Photo courtesy Albert Ting
How My Electric Bike Helped Me Heal
March 29, 2022

In early January, I suffered a broken tibia and fibula in my right leg from a nasty fall while skiing. Two months after breaking my leg and undergoing surgery, I’m more comfortable riding my e-bike than walking to get around.

Courtesy PeopleForBikes
15 elementos esenciales que todo ciclista debe tener
March 23, 2022

Una pregunta común que tienen los nuevos ciclistas es: ¿Cuáles son los elementos “esenciales” para andar en bicicleta que debo tener en mi “caja de herramientas”?

Cedar Valley Nature Trail in Iowa | Photo by Liz Zabel, courtesy GO Cedar Rapids
Cómo entrenar para una carrera de 5K o 10K usando un sendero ferroviario
March 20, 2022

Muchos corredores nuevos comienzan su viaje de acondicionamiento físico con el objetivo de completar una carrera en la que se han inscrito.

Fun Run 5k en W&OD Trail en el norte de Virginia | Cortesía de RTC
Oklahoma’s Oklahoma River Trails
October 05, 2021

These routes, including the well-loved Oklahoma River Trails, bring people to the neighborhoods, parks, world-class attractions and the flourishing downtown region.

Oklahoma River Trails | Courtesy Oklahoma City Community Foundation
Trail Moments | A Student of Biking: Learning to Love Trails
September 14, 2021

Bike rides clear my mind and help me focus on the rest of the day. For me, quick physical activities during the weekdays are now based around trails.

Graphic by RTC, Photos courtesy Hyderabad Randonneurs and TrailLink user fredjerina