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Building Trails

Bright Horizons: Florida’s Miami LOOP
January 11, 2018

Approximately 54 percent complete to date, the Miami LOOP is a 225-mile trail vision to expand transportation options, make biking and walking safer and more equitable.

The Atlantic Greenway in South Beach is part of Florida’s 225-mile developing Miami LOOP. | Photo by Lee Smith
Nebraska’s Cowboy Recreation and Nature Trail
September 11, 2017

Nebraska’s Cowboy Recreation and Nature Trail offers an authentic Old West experience, small towns and picturesque landscapes.

The Cowboy Trail's spectacular crossing of the Niobrara River near Valentine | Photo by Eric Foster
A New Star for Texas: the Lower Rio Grande Valley Active Plan
April 13, 2017

In the Lower Rio Grande Valley, 10 municipalities in Cameron County are embarking on the creation of a 428-mile network of multiuse trails.

Brownsville, Texas' Historic Battlefield Trail, part of the planned route for the 428-mile Lower Rio Grande Valley Active Plan multiuse trail network | Photo by Mark Lehmann
Former R.E.M. Tour Manager Creates Rural Connections in Washington
November 06, 2016

It may be a no-brainer that Seattle-born Bobby Whittaker has always loved the outdoors, having been raised by the first American to summit Mt. Everest.

Bobby Whittaker, president of Ferry County Rail Trail Partners, with 770-foot trestle over Curlew Lake in background | Photo by Rich Landers
A View From … The Industrial Heartland Trails Network
September 12, 2016

The developing Industrial Heartland Trails Network is a collection of nearly three dozen pathways featuring scenic wilderness, dramatic railroad tunnels and trestles, welcoming trail towns and historical sites from the birthplace of America’s Industrial Revolution.

Ohio and Erie Canalway Towpath Trail under the I-80 overpass in Summit County, Ohio | Photo by Bob Callebert
Trail of Tributes: September 11 Memorial Trail Honors America’s Fallen Heroes
September 07, 2016

The September 11th National Memorial Trail (NMT) is a multi-use circuit born of many different kinds of connections—among trail advocates, communities, existing trails and even moments in history.

Inaugural September 11th National Memorial Trail Alliance ride, Liberty State Park, Sept. 10, 2015 | Photo by Gail Zavian
Seven Wonders of the Ohio to Erie Trail
July 13, 2016

The developing Ohio to Erie Trail crosses the Buckeye State at a diagonal like a prized sash, featuring some of the best sights and experiences Ohio has to offer. Here’s a quick, guided tour of some of the major highlights.

Ohio and Erie Canalway Towpath Trail (under Hope Memorial Bridge) along Cleveland's Cuyahoga River | Photo courtesy Behnke Landscape Architecture
Final Missouri Rock Island Trail Segment Confirmed in 450-Mile Trail Network
September 30, 2015

An announcement made on Sept. 30 of a cooperative agreement has been reached to purchase a 17.7-mile section of disused Rock Island Corridor.

Photo courtesy Missouri Rock Island Trail, Inc.
History Happened Here: Sidepaths and the Persistent Dreams of Trail Building
May 26, 2015

Right now, in the middle of the 21st-century bike boom, the rail-trail movement is the most successful way to build trails for bikers and walkers. But it’s certainly not the first; many other plans for trail building have come and gone.

An illustration of tourists riding bicycles by A.B. Frost, circa 1896 | Courtesy Library of Congress
Pennsylvania’s Montour Trail
March 15, 2015

In terms of rail-trail mileage, Pennsylvania dominates, but in a crowded field, the Montour Trail—which forms a 55-mile arc around western Pittsburgh—is a standout with plenty of “wow” moments.

Midway across the span of the Chartiers Creek Bridge | Photo courtesy Kordite | CC by 2.0
Trail survey graphic with black female bicyclists on trail in winter next to RTC green t-shirt