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Building Trails

Breaking News: The Rock Island Trail Is On Track to Be Game-Changer for Missouri
December 13, 2021

The State of Missouri announced that they have officially railbanked the 144-mile Rock Island Railroad corridor.

Graphic by RTC, photo courtesy Missouri Rock Island Trail Inc.
2021 RTC Fall Trail Grants Supporting Equitable Trail Access Around the Nation
November 16, 2021

RTC announced the recipients of over $300,000 in grants as part of the 2021 Trail Grants Program. These grants were given to 45 organizations around the country

Washington's Palouse to Cascades State Park Trail in part of the Great American Rail-Trail | Photo by TrailLink user scfroehlich
Richmond Industrial Trail transformará vecindarios y vidas en el norte de Filadelfia
April 18, 2021

La visión de una vía verde de 1,9 millas para caminar y andar en bicicleta está tomando forma a lo largo de Richmond Industrial Track.

Apertura de una sección de la ruta Richmond Industrial Trail de Filadelfia a lo largo de Little Gurney Street en 2018 | Cortesía de HACE
Richmond Industrial Trail Will Transform Neighborhoods and Lives in North Philadelphia
April 18, 2021

A vision for a 1.9-mile walking and biking greenway is taking shape along the Richmond Industrial Track.

Gurney Street Trail pilot project along the planned Richmond Industrial Trail | Photo by Anya Saretzky, courtesy RTC
2021 Trail Grants Awardees Support Community Connections On and Off Trails
March 14, 2021

RTC has announced the recipients of its 2021 Trail Grants Program, awarding a total of $145,000 to support 11 trail projects across the country.

Heartland Trail in Ohio | Courtesy Rails-to-Trails of Wayne County
COVID-19 Emergency Relief Act of 2020 Makes Funding Available for Transportation
January 24, 2021

Congress passed the $900 billion COVID-19 Emergency Relief Act of 2020, a wide-ranging economic stimulus package that includes support for transportation systems.

Photo courtesy RTC
American Icons: Rail-Trails That Helped Shape the National Landscape
January 21, 2021

We take a closer look at some of the country’s earliest rail-trails, and how they helped inspire and build a nationwide movement.

Along the Illinois Prairie Path in Warrenville | Photo by Beverly Horne/Daily Herald/
Looking Back, With Gratitude, on a Year of Challenges and Triumphs for Trails
December 22, 2020

As 2020 draws to a close—a year of extreme changes and challenges—it is with incredible appreciation that we reflect on the collective impact of our movement across the country.

Photo by India Kea
As California ATP Cycle 5 Kicks Off—Here’s a Snapshot of Some Success Stories
April 07, 2020

On March 26, California released a call for projects for the next round of the Active Transportation Program (ATP)—the state’s largest single source of funding for trails and walking and biking projects.

Bicycle riders enjoying a new section of the Miners Ravine Trail in Roseville, California | Courtesy City of Roseville
New Hampshire’s Londonderry Rail Trail
April 05, 2020

About a 45-mile drive northwest of Boston, the Londonderry Rail Trail in the quaint southern New Hampshire town of Londonderry offers locals a slice of tranquility in an otherwise upside-down world with a 4.5-mile jaunt through verdant forests and wildlife-rich wetlands and along scenic ponds.

Recently completed Cohas section of the Londonderry Rail Trail | Courtesy Londonderry Trailways
Trail survey graphic with black female bicyclists on trail in winter next to RTC green t-shirt