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Author Type: RTC Author

Development of Trails along Waterways, Canals, and Flood Channels
June 30, 2011
This 2011 report from Rails-to-Trails Conservancy discusses preliminary considerations and strategies in the process of developing a trail along a waterway. Topics include land ownership, developing an agreement, owner use, liability, maintenance, public safety and other considerations. The report includes sample cooperative agreements between water districts and local jurisdictions for trail development.
Active Transportation Beyond Urban Centers Report
December 31, 2010
There are more than 20,000 miles of rail-trails crossing the nation and connecting towns and country. Getting out on the trail to enjoy the outdoors, exercise or spend time with friends and family is an option for everyone. However, when we think about commuting to work or running errands from A to B, many assume […]
Trail User Surveys and Economic Impact: A Comparison of Trail User Expenditures
February 28, 2009
This report focuses on reported dollars spent from trail user surveys completed on seven rail-trails in Pennsylvania using the same methodology. In addition, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy reviewed seven trail user surveys completed on comparable rail-trails in the northeast United States. Unlike public opinion polls, a trail user survey seeks specific information from the people actually on the trails. A number of trail […]
Sample Resolution of Support for Trail Projects
December 31, 2008
This sample resolution produced by Rails-to-Trails Conservancy provides a template to use with government entities you would like to support your trail project.
Working with Trail Opponents
May 11, 2008
You can take various approaches when working with people who may oppose your rail-trail project. In general, you should always stress the benefits of rail-trails and keep adjacent landowners involved in the process. Here are 10 techniques you may find helpful.
Who Actually Owns the Right-of-Way?
May 11, 2008
Although the general public thinks of a corridor as being “owned” by a railroad, in reality the average rail right-of-way is often a hodgepodge of conflicting ownership interests, which may begin to unravel upon abandonment of the right-of-way. The railroad may own outright some portions of the corridor (which were acquired in “fee simple”), while […]
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy’s Toolkit for Building Rail-Trails
December 31, 2007
This is a Toolkit for Building Rail-Trails to assist in organizing your project and building your rail-trail. We provide tips and suggestions. We provide tips and suggestions, as well as models for you to adapt to your particular community and trail situation. Use this guide as you rally your first supporters, meet with the public to […]
Active Transportation for America Report
December 31, 2007
“Active Transportation for America” makes the case and quantifies the national benefits—for the first time—that increased federal funding in bicycling and walking infrastructure would provide tens of billions of dollars in benefits to all Americans. By making active transportation a viable option for everyday travel, we will cost-effectively reduce oil dependence, climate pollution and obesity […]
From Trail Towns to TrOD: Trails and Economic Development
July 31, 2007
Trails and green space are important community amenities that help to spur economic development. From home owners choosing to live along a park-like trail to bicycle tourists making their way from small town to small town, trails are important community facilities that attract people and dollars.
Liability and Rail-Trails in Pennsylvania
April 30, 2007
New trail managers are often concerned that managing a trail will expose them to liability for trail-user injuries, or worry about the high cost of purchasing insurance to protect from potential lawsuits. However, trail managers have a number of legal protections that limit their exposure to liability. As a result of these legal tools, when coupled […]
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