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Focus Term: Legal Issues

A Milestone for the Mickelson Trail: Celebrating 25 Years
September 12, 2023

The 109-mile George S. Mickelson Trail, named after the South Dakota governor who championed the trail before dying in a plane crash in 1993, was officially dedicated in the midst of much fanfare in 1998.

George S. Mickelson Trail at the Deadwood Trailhead | Photo courtesy South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks
Rail-Trail Cases That Have Shaped the Movement
February 19, 2020

In celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the National Trails System Act (1968), Rails to Trails magazine sat down with Ferster to talk about some of the cases that have shaped the movement—as well as the monumental importance of railbanking, which—born from the National Trails System Act in 1983—has helped facilitate the creation of thousands of miles of rail-trails to date.

Andrea Ferster | Photo by Eli Griffen
Protecting Trails in 2018: Five Ways We Mobilized in Communities This Year
November 14, 2018

Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC) and the national trail community put itself on the front lines to protect and defend trails in 2018. Here are five ways we mobilized in communities this year.

Baltimore, Maryland | Photo by Side A Photography
Pete Raynor, Railbanking Author, Named 2018 Rail-Trail Champion
September 26, 2018

Pete Raynor, central author of Railbanking legislation, was named 2018 Rail-Trail Champion. The 1983 Railbanking Act helped make many trails.

2018 Doppelt Family Rail-Trail Champions Award ceremony | Photo by Hung Tran
Trail Geek Terminology (A Cheat-Sheet to Satisfy Your Inner Wonk)
January 28, 2018

RTC’s put together this little trail-geek cheat sheet so that we can all bone up on our trail and active-transportation policy speak.

Photo Courtesy RTC
A View From … The National Trails System
January 02, 2018

We celebrate the 50th anniversary of the National Trails System Act and Five rail-trails that weave in and around them.

Great Shasta Rail Trail | Photo by Christina Schmidlin with Hellikon, courtesy Great Shasta Rail Trail Association
Model Trail Easement Agreement, with commentary
December 31, 2017
The Pennsylvania Land Trust Association developed model trail easement agreement for the benefit of owners, charitable organizations, government and their respective legal counsels. These models are periodically updated to reflect user experiences and advances in the field. The most recent editions are posted at A commentary accompanies each model and explains the reasoning behind each […]
What the Marvin M. Brandt Case Means for America’s Rail-Trails
March 16, 2014

On March 10, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its decision in the case of Marvin M. Brandt Revocable Trust et al. v. United States.

Photo © Mark Rischer
The Supreme Court Decision: How Does It Affect Rail-Trails?
March 10, 2014

After examining the U.S. Supreme Court’s disappointing decision for rail-trails, it is clear that its reach is much narrower than reported.

Photo © Mark Rischer
Supreme Court Hands Down Disappointing Decision for Trails in U.S.
March 09, 2014

Today’s Supreme Court ruling is disappointing news for Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, rail-trail advocates and trail users around the country.

Photo by Ryan Cree, courtesy RTC